Occupy Congress! Carol Brouillet for Congress Campaign Kickoff

There will be music, food, great speakers, lots of educational and campaign materials, including the new Election Dollars, Greenbacks, and Perception Dollars which we will be giving away. This is a community building event. "Community" literally means the free exchange of gifts, and I have advocated for nearly two decades moving away from a debt based monetary system towards a gift economy.

A third of the district used to be outside of the old District 14, where Anna Eshoo has been the incumbent for twenty years. Under the new law, all state and federal candidates of all parties will run against one another in the primary on June 5th, with only the top two, advancing to the November ballot. It is a blatant attempt to silence third party voices, and increase big money's influence over our choice of candidates.

I have been an activist/organizer for two decades, exposing the truth about the effects of low-level nuclear radiation, confronting our global US military and security apparatus, rallying to protect human rights. I have pushed for accountability, monetary reform, and organized the earliest marches, rallies, film screenings, conferences to publicly question the official narrative of 9/11. I ran in 2006, pushing for impeachment, and in 2008 when my campaign ad focused on the controlled demolition of WTC 7 and the controlled demolition of the economy. The dollars I have published and distributed widely have helped nurture the growing movements for truth, peace, justice and social change.

Join the campaign, come to the party, support this grassroots effort to get a Green option in the November election! With support from the 9/11 Truth community, we can make a difference.

Guest speakers include:

*Cindy Sheehan; mother, activist, author, host of The Soapbox Radio Show

*Maria Gilardin; artist, activist, producer of T.U.C. (Time of Useful Consciousness) Radio

*Dr. Peter Phillips; President of Media Freedom International, past director of Project Censored, author, host of the Morning Mix with Project Censored Radio Show

*Ken Jenkins, Co-founder of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, filmmaker, he produced 9/11 – The Myth and the Reality with David Ray Griffin, and 9/11: Blueprint for Truth.

*Richard Gage, AIA; Architect and founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

*Mary Ann Thomas; mother, activist, member of World Can't Wait

*Dr. Paul Rea, author of Mounting Evidence- Why We Need a New Investigation of 9/11

Musicians include:

* Vic Sadot, the Truth Troubadour,

* Rebecca Cross, (Rebecca created the original theme music for the Community Currency Radio Show)

* Jeremy Goodfeather, (Jeremy performed The Truth About It at the 2009 9/11 Truth Film Festival.)

We also will have yard signs, bumper stickers, buttons, volunteer opportunites. We need to recruit more canvassers. In addition to doorhangars, literature, for walking the precincts, we will be passing out the new "Election Dollars," and the new "Greenbacks." We will also be distributing the new "Perception Dollars" and "Deception Dollars," version #12, which are an updated version of #11, and our second edition of the Trillion Dollar notes. We hope to revitalize the Greens in the District and register more Green Voters.

So many people have given up on the electoral process, a mere fraction actually votes. The small percentage that does vote determines the outcome of elections (Well, those elections which haven't been stolen). Apathy, cynicism allow incumbents an easy win; engagement, participation, awareness, a genuine alternative is our best hope for real change. Movements generally force policy change, but they do encounter much resistance. The Green Party does not accept corporate money and provides a needed option to the two pro-corporate, pro-war parties. The slogan of our campaign is "Occupy Congress," be a part of the effort; we can be the change we wish to see.

The new Greenback

The back side of the Greenback

Version #12 of the Deception Dollar

The back side of the Deception Dollar

Visit Carol4Congress.org to learn more about the campaign.

[For those of you who know me, you'll be happy to know that this is team effort. My son, Jules, who graduated from Oberlin and worked as staff for the American Monetary Institute for a year, helping to organize the Monetary Reform Conference in Chicago last September, joined with me to do outreach and support Occupy Chicago, Occupy DC, and Occupy Wall Street. Only last December, as were traveling together, did I decide to run again, and let Jules take charge of the campaign. He has been doing a great job. In March, we were joined by Jonathan Fluck, who organizes an annual Peace Film Festival each year in New York (and has lots of experience from previous Green Party campaigns), as well as Bill, a pillar of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. We have wonderful artists, film makers, computer savvy folks, musicians coming forward to help. We would greatly appreciate any help that any of you can offer, including financial donations, but especially anyone who knows joomla, can do social media, or any kind of media work. We have a great team, but we do need to be able to expand it and anyone who has a computer can help, although we certainly would appreciate real live people to come and lend a hand for for the upcoming party, parade (There's a big parade in Palo Alto on May 5th & we need people to join our contingent and pass out the new money), and events. We are doing this in the old fashioned way- knocking on doors, talking to people, making phone calls; we need to reach 40,000 people by June 5th. Please consider volunteering or contributing. Also I will be sending out some of the new dollars and new 11 Remarkable Fact sheets about 9/11, but I can't do everything, so please order them through Peace Resource Project, or come to the party, or pick them up at the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meetings. We're also shipping some to WeAreChangeNYC for their weekly actions at Ground Zero.]

Details- Oops- here's the date, time, place for the Party!

Join us April 28th, 2012 from 3 pm to 10 pm for the Carol Brouillet for Congress Campaign Kickoff at the Willow Park Condo clubhouse, 500 W Middlefield Road, Mountain View, CA 94042

Go for it Carol

Give them a run for their (debt) money !

YES Carol


Get in there and shake things up.

You said it!

Hear, hear.

We can do this

This will probably be our last chance to change things by replacing the owned Representatives with people who represent us. All the pieces are in place for a full-blown military police state and they will be used in the not too distant future if we do not pull together now and show our strength.

Let's get behind Carol and candidates like her.