"A Violation of Trust" with Ed Asner

On the February 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with film, television, stage, and voice actor and former president of the Screen Actors Guild, Ed Asner. Mr. Asner will play the chairman of a new investigation of the September 11th attacks in the film "A Violation of Trust," formerly "Confessions of a 9/11 Conspirator." The film will pit the 9/11 Commission Report and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reports against the work of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Ray Griffin and the scientific research highlighted by leading 9/11 truth organizations, including Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Part 1

Part 2

Second instance:

Fellow 9/11 Truth Seekers, I have great news for you ... We’re making “our” movie… And by “our” ... I mean the 9/11 Truth Movement’s movie.


Please help make "our" movie the success we all want it to be by donating what you can spare toward the costs.

Who will be receiving any profits from this film? Is there financial transparency? Are they soliciting for volunteer not paid labor as well as donations? Is anyone involved getting paid for their work?

(First instance: http://truthaction.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=48198#48198)
(Edited to correct typos 03-22-2012)

IMDB doesnt know anything

Just looking at IMDB's profiles of the actors in this movie and it doesn't mention it in any form of production.