Spread the word: Occupy Building 7 Next Weekend

Occupy Building 7 November 19 and 20, 2011 | OccupyBuilding7.org
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Spread the Word

Visit OccupyBuilding7.org to download the flier and web banner.

Occupy Building 7

Next Weekend

November 19 and 20

12pm Saturday and Sunday: March from Liberty Plaza to World Trade Center Building 7 and occupy until nightfall!

Here’s how you can help spread the word:

1. Forward this email to your list.

2. Share/Like it on Facebook.

3. Download the web banner and put it on your website.

4. Distribute fliers at OWS between now and next weekend. 


(Click to download the flier)


For those of you who plan to attend, please try to come before noon, armed with fliers and ready to mobilize occupiers to join the action. So far, the folks who’ve been distributing fliers at OWS have received lots of love and they say that many occupiers are very excited about the action. The bigger we are, the more OWS protesters will join the action, so please come if you can! 

If you are coming from out of town and looking for free lodging on Saturday night, please contact us at info@RememberBuilding7.org.  

We hope to see you there, but if you cannot make it this weekend, don’t worry – this is only the beginning. Occupy Building 7 must grow, so let’s see that it does.

Thank you!



I hope this is huge...

and impacts the cause.

Great method of drawing attention to Building 7

Hopefully, we will see some media coverage.

the latest

Occupy Building 7 Will Go Ahead As Planned
Stand in Solidarity with OWS on Thursday, November 17

Stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street following their eviction from Liberty Plaza and join the explosion of Occupy energy this weekend by occupying Building 7 and demanding once and for all a real investigation into the events of 9/11.


Thursday, 7:00am (or anytime) until late: Show your support for Occupy Wall Street on the two-month anniversary of this historic movement’s beginning by marching from Liberty Plaza to the New York Stock Exchange. At 5pm assemble at Foley Square and march to the Brooklyn Bridge. Distribute Occupy Building 7 fliers to thousands of occupiers and other New Yorkers, and let them know we the 99% stand in solidarity with them. Click to download the Occupy Building 7 fliers.

11:00am Saturday: Begin assembling by the tall red sculpture at the southeast corner of Liberty Plaza (the corner of Broadway and Cedar St.). Hand out thousands of Occupy Building 7 fliers to occupiers and passers by, and invite them to occupy Building 7 with us.

Noon Saturday: Depart for the rebuilt World Trade Center Building 7, just four blocks away.

12:15-12:30pm Saturday: Occupy the park in front of Building 7 and remain there until nightfall.

2:00pm Saturday: Join the Occupy Building 7 General Assembly and be a part of shaping the future of Occupy Building 7.

Sunday: same schedule. Start assembling at the tall red sculpture at 11:00am. Depart for Building 7 at noon. Occupy until nightfall. General Assembly at 2:00pm.

If you are coming from out of town and looking for free lodging on Friday or Saturday night, email us at info@OccupyBuilding7.org.

This weekend will mark the beginning of something extraordinary. Inspired and in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, what we build will seriously threaten to bring the public’s full attention to the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and put the official account of 9/11 on its last legs. And in so doing we will contribute immensely to the Occupy movement’s push for economic and social justice. Let’s go make history.
