Occupy Oakland Historic Strike & Port Shutdown, War on the Streets 11-2-11

Media Roots captures some great energy and epic highlights from the day of the historic general strike in Oakland on 11-2-11. Footage includes the strike, the shutdown of the banks around town, the march to the port and the shutdown of the Port of Oakland.

Abby Martin of Media Roots was on the front lines of the war in the streets of Oakland during the aftermath of the Occupy Oakland general strike and shutdown of the port on November 2, 2011. Over 10,000 peaceful protesters successfully shut down the Port of Oakland, the fifth largest port in the country at 8pm earlier that night. About two hours later, the "Black Bloc" came to downtown, smashing windows of banks and setting trash cans on fire. The Oakland PD in full riot gear lined up and marched toward the now out of control rally. They started firing smoke grenades and tear gas into the crowd of people, to which people starting throwing bottles and other objects back to the police. After the crowd scattered, the police lined up and starting to close in and arrest the remaining protesters at the Occupy Oakland camp.



Here is more. Thanks for keeping us informed Abby.

Abby, I have been critical


I have been critical and supportive of OWS.

But one thing I really should voice is, I appreciate you documenting this (among other things) and being an alternative source of information for the people out there.

Keep it up!


......... OWS is long overdue, however now is the time for unity. Yes it's the one percent that run our government. We have the best politicians money can buy. With each passing day this will be harder to change.
Thank you for your efforts in trying to educate people and awaken them from almost a century of BS.

Thank you!

Thanks for the support guys! I think it's important to document this movement. Whether or not you agree with the premise of OWS this is an opportunity to start communicating with your community! Keep up the great work!