9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out



This is the expert-packed feature-length,Pre-Release v1.3, Low-Res documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Help us to make the most of the opportunity provided by the 10th anniversary of 9/11 to publicize the evidence about the destruction of the 3 WTC high-rises on 9/11. Visit the dedicated website http://911ExpertsSpeakOut.org to watch or download the high-res video. Support AE911Truth by sharing the website http://911ExpertsSpeakOut.org with your family, friends, and associates - and have them watch it on high resolution Pay Per View and/or download the film also.

If you watched the YouTube lo-rez video for free please consider supporting us at:
http://www.ae911truth.org/en/home/68-contribute-to-ae911truth/420-donate-ae91... with your $5 or $10 donation so we can complete the film's Final Release before November.

Don't forget your Facebook, Twitter, and other contacts. Order the DVD today at http://www.ae911truth.net/store.

High res 9/11 Documentary:

Join 23-year architect Richard Gage, AIA, in this feature length documentary with cutting-edge 9/11 evidence from more than 50 top experts in their fields -- high-rise architects, structural engineers, physicists, chemical engineers, firefighters, metallurgists, explosives experts, controlled demolition technicians, and more. Each is highly qualified in his/her respective fields. Several have Ph.D's -- including National Medal of Science awardee Lynn Margulis. She, along with the other experts, exposes the fraud of NIST and discusses how the scientific method should have been applied and acknowledges the "overwhelming" evidence of high temperature incendiaries in all dust samples of the WTC. High-rise architects and structural engineers layout the evidence in the features of the destruction of these three high-rises that point inevitably to explosive controlled demolition.

9/11 family members and psychologists ground the technical information with heart centered support for a new investigation and a close look at the psychology of 9/11in this milestone production of AE911Truth: http://911ExpertsSpeakOut.org

Follow around the web:
http://www.ae911truth.net/store/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=143 http://www.ae911truth.org/evidence.html#Videos_by_AE911Truth

Outstanding. Very solid

Outstanding. Very solid info, convincing testimony from experts, and professionally done across the board. Looking forward to the final DVD.

Show "New evidence is needed" by Paul Stockdale

New evidence?

Don't we have all the evidence we need?

New evidence = DOJ

What used to approximate a federal government is now a "criminocracy" with no Department of Justice capable of enforcing important issues like this.

We have all the evidence we need.... The missing link is a competent criminal justice system.

We have all the evidence we need in order to move forward...

We have all the evidence we need.... The missing link is a competent criminal justice system.--Hsaive

We do but

more people first need to see that evidence.

A lot of people keep themselves willfully shielded from it. They just don´t wanna run the risk of being traumatized by the truth, it seems.

I invited some 26 political figures in my country to the premiere, only one decided to come and actually showed up, afterwards I praised him for showing up, to which he said that he found it a shocking film, and the only thing he could think of as far as motive was concerned, was that it was done for securityreasons, that someone pushed the button too soon or pushed it when it wasn´t necessary.

Oh well, it was a nice try....

Veterans For Peace, We Are Cahnge 9/11 Actions in Daytona Beach

Daytona Veterans 2-day event benefits 9/11 1st Responders

Hello All, Our Central Florida chapter of Veterans For Peace worked together with the Orlando chapter of WeAreChange to put on a wonderful 2-day event in Daytona Beach this past weekend in marking the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

CFVFP veteran member Chris Cerullo of Kissimmee, FL, who serves as the coordinator and lead organizer for the Orlando chapter of WeAreChange did a fantastic job in organizing the event and getting people from all parts of Central and North Florida to participate in the event. Thank you Chris. CFVFP veteran member Harold Saive of Gainesville, FL did a marvelous job in coordinating the 2-night screening of the new film from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth entitled "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out" as well as doing all the videography, editing and production of the 29-minute YouTube video chronicling our event featured in the article "Active Military Look for 9/11 Truth at Veterans For Peace Rally in Daytona Beach".

Thank you Harold. CFVFP veteran member Charlie Williams of Daytona Beach, FL once again delivered for us big-time in coordinating with Steve's Famous Diner in getting his projector, movie screen, and other equipment to show the film set up and in good working order so that we could put on the film screening. Thank you Charlie. Thank you also to the many volunteers from WeAreChange Florida who came from as far as Melbourne, Jacksonville, Polk County, and the regular die-hards from the greater Daytona-Orlando are who once again suited up and showed up. We also want to thank Kathy Bracewell and Annie Hansen from the East Central Florida chapter of CODEPINK Women for Peace for their huge help in so many ways. Thank you everybody. Even with zero media coverage or publicity, we were still able to raise $319.20 from many small donations to send off to the FealGood Foundation ... http://www.fealgoodfoundation.com ... to help the sick and dying 9/11 first responders.

Thank you also to the good people of the Daytona Beach area who donated. Peace everybody, Phil Restino
Chapter Co-Chair, VFP Chapter 136
Central Florida Veterans For Peace
P.O. Box 9012
Daytona Beach, FL 32120-9012
ph/fax: (386) 788-2918
email: CentralFlaVFP@aol.com
website: www.cflveteransforpeace.org

Want Peace? Demand Justice.
Want Justice? Demand the Truth.
Want the Truth? Ask Questions. Demand Answers.

War Crimes are War Crimes: PROSECUTE BUSH, IMPEACH OBAMA !

Remember ...

"When a man who is honestly mistaken learns the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or he will cease to be honest."

"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never has and it never will." - African-American Statesman Frederick Douglas

"It's not enough to be against war. Everyone is against war. We must expose the BIG LIE that the war is based on ... and that BIG LIE is the political narrative regarding the events of September 11th, 2001." - Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, University of Ottawa, October 2001
"A 'conspiracy theory' no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the government’s explanation and that of its media pimps." - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
It's very simple, people ... 9/11 Truth Ends The 9/11 Wars ... and shame on us for our deafening silence on the matter !

This new documentary complements "Blueprint for Truth"

That was a technical presentation containing lots of information that would go over most people's heads.

This is for a mainstream audience with very good basic explanations and commentary provided by experts. That could be all the difference.

A reporter told me...

With a forewarning to a reporter about "Experts Speak Out" that it might be somewhat dry and not an "entertainment style" video, the reporter responded after watching it: "...indeed it is pretty dry, but that's actually a good thing, I think. The evidence is lent a certain weight thanks to the large number of interviewees (with their impressive array of bona fides).

Seen the premiere on september 8th

A few points I'd like to make:

* I thought it was too long. Chances are that more people will leave prematurely and that they will miss the last part (which is very important of course). Interestingly enough, just a few of the around 200 people watching it left beforehand, to my relief, Some things were repeated so often I was getting a bit worried that people would've had enough of it.
I would take out at least 30 minutes, skip a few comments by the experts, or skip a couple of the experts, plenty of them left after that.

* I would, no offence to him, leave out the old man which you can see above on the vid ready to play. I don't have his name right now, but what he says is hard to follow and understand (for me at least), and it looks like he's talking with no teeth.

* Near the end, there is a moment when one of the psychologisst suddenly gets a really weird, almost creepy look on his face, and the camera is also zooming in on that. I didn't really know what to make or think of it, but it put me off thinking "WTH is this?"

Other than that it was pretty good and thorough. But this was a prerelease I believe, so hopefully they´ll make some adjustments to make it more effective still. Just my 2 cents...

I would agree with all those points

In fact, it really only needs one expert from each sector (and some come across as being more persuasive than others)

Demolition expert

I know it does take time to edit a documentary but I think the editing could be improved and be made far more concise than it is (Include other interviews as extras).

I think the family members are important and need to be included, either at the beginning or as a teaser trailer (or both).

I think the interview with the fireman should come at the end as a logical conclusion to all the evidence that preceded it and to what should happen in the future with a new investigation.

My two pence!

I agree

You can pack the experts, that are cutted out at the end with their general statement.

The psychology has to come first but way shortened too, imo.

I saw V1.2 with nearly 50 people and almost all said it was way to long and repeated some arguments over and over. At least 60 minutes can be cutted out with no harm to the docu.

My comments on how this can be tightened and made more powerful.

Firstly, congratulations - so much hard work has gone into this.

Here is my two cent's worth, which echoes others comments:

1. The tags showing the names and credentials of the person speaking must be shown often - with every shot. Too often we heard someone speaking without knowing who they are - eg the woman metallurgist - until later on. I don't think you can state their names and qualifications too often.

2. During the first two-thirds there were times when I felt I was hearing the same argument over and again. So difficult to cut (I am a text editor I know how difficult it is!). But I think this could do with a brave tightening up - even just 8 minutes shorter in the first three-quarters of the documentary would help. But rather cut down on words than cut out one commentator - you need as many different faces and names as you can get.

3. Perhaps the old guy could be trimmed. He gives a nice feeling of the wise grandfather/elder - but could be trimmed by 60 seconds?

4. I found the psychology section VERY compelling. The two women were particularly strong (I forget their names). Would it not be possible to have one of them appear briefly right up front in the opening eight minutes - as a 'teaser' to this very important interviews at the end?

Final Comment:

One competes these days with high entertainment, quick cartoons, short attention spans and lack of proper science education.

This is a heavy, factual documentary with a message some will resist.

This is why I think the humanity and credentials of the speakers - and backing from psychologists - is important to emphasise.

Very solid. If you have a

Very solid documentary. If you have a chance at another editorial pass, I would remind you to bring up subtitles often showing the names and professions of those who are interviewed.

Also, you need more visual inserts when the experts are talking about the squibs. In fact, think less talking heads and more visual inserts. It will be more effective this way. I would do an objective pass on your interviews and mark down points for where you could add visual evidence.

I would also re-score the music or drop it all together. It comes across as a bit over the top and thus, tastelessly manipulative. The subject and the testimony given carries enough gravitas already. It doesn't need a score to heighten the nature of the piece. It needs music to accompany it in a subtle and respectful manner. In short, if you are hearing the music, then you have a problem. The music should support the documentary and not stand out. I would tone it down or remove it all together.

I second that

I think it would be much more powerful if the music was dropped completely. The closing piece is particularly irksome and unsuited to the contemplative state of mind the film has set up.

The contribution from the electrical engineer who worked on the towers when they were built was useful but his segment did not warrant repeating.

As others have said, there's scope for much tightening in the edit. Repetition is indicative of sloppy editing. Correctly ordering the material will give each argument the emphasis it requires. There were some good points made by the psychologists, but these were rather lost in some less focussed discussion.

Please forgive the armchair criticism: we only want to see it as good as it can be because it's so important.
That said, AE911Truth should be congratulated on an awesome achievement.