The Boiling Frogs Presents Paul Craig Roberts

Podcast Show #45

Thursday, 2. June 2011

The Boiling Frogs Presents Paul Craig Roberts

"Paul Craig Roberts joins us to discuss the September 11 terrorist attacks as the defining event of our time, which has launched our nation on interminable wars of aggression, a domestic police state where the American President is a Caesar and completely above the law. He describes the US corporate media’s role today, which is to serve the government and the interest groups that empower the government, their astonishing blackout on legitimate investigations regarding 9/11 such as the investigation results supported by more than 1500 architects, and how currently the majority of Americans are ruled by propaganda and with little regard for truth and little access to it. Mr. Roberts talks about the conflicting, ever-changing and in many ways dubious accounts of the killing of Osama Bin Laden, the Military Industrial Complex’ need for the next ‘black hat,’ the question of China, and more!

Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He has been reporting on executive branch and cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. He has written or co-written eight books, contributed chapters to numerous books, and has published many articles in journals of scholarship. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how Americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House. Mr. Roberts has testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of economic policy, and has been a critic of both Democratic and Republican administrations. His writings frequently appear on OpEdNews,,, Lew Rockwell’s web site, CounterPunch, and the American Free Press."

The Rapture

Paul Craig Roberts talking hardcore 911 truth with Sibel Edmonds is ...............unbelievable. This is the most concise, succinct, and direct discussion about 9/11 and it's role in current affairs I've heard since I've been awakened ('06). This should be required listening for anyone claiming to be a truther. My mind is spinning out of control to come up with ways to make sure everyone in media, every college professor, every senator and congressman, every governor AND EVERY GOD DAMN DEBUNKER listens to what these extremely credible people have to say. We can hang our hat on this one, folks. Just when I thought our movement was slipping into an abyss of disinfo, misinfo, apathy, infighting and ambivalence, the sky has opened and the crack in the armor of deceit can be heard from sea to shining sea. The "conspiracy" myth has been officially broken.

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Bigfoot Slammin' CD

There's a guy with big feet criticizing this interview over a Boiling Frogs cuz it mentions CD. He used to do that here. Guess he's not content with dominating the most recent September eleven truth news website.

WTF as in what the fuck? I feel like posting one of those "Chip In" tickers to buy a really big muzzle.

This interview

should be forwarded to all leftist journalists and peace movement members, who use the "Monbiot-offensive", as I called it, ridiculing us by saying 9/11 truth hurts their cause. No, it's the other way around.

in the houses of shadow.

this is a HUGELY important interview. For one thing. Sibel tells us, 25o language specialists working the transcripts over the period before and after 911 had NEVER HEARD of or had referred to “Al Qaeda” before 911?!! Jaw dropping!That is primary open source. astounding!! There it is. the script attached to the brand of 911, To the HOAX of 911 immediate. Ehud Barak on BBC, 11.29am.
This is a wonderful interview. Clear. measured and knowing. Distilled.

discussion of Nils Harrit Active Material paper making notice all over the world – never a mention in mainland USA. Media cartel/Homeland security doing its job, firewalling the information stream creating/the/narrative. domestic gatekeepers, manipulation without care of international interference? Fact is, international awareness IS going to manifest inside USA. Is making a difference right now.
Mr Roberts insider knowledge that if 911 attack HAD been as presented, Admin.response would have been ENTIRELY different. primary source again.
The magnitude of the LIE being delivered by lawless Government.State secrets to hide the crime. To hear it said so clearly is a matter the prognosis….politicians don’t FACE the problems…they can’t. Face the problem and your back gets exposed, don Quixote. fake problems. Hoaxes.special interest owns wall st/blackops/you can’t go against the interest groups.! Oligarchy!
CIA. Syria! Russia,




This show is great

Thank you Sibel and Peter B. for your work.

Thank you

Fantastic commentary, great interview. Thanks!