U.S. vs Drake; How whistleblowers are treated by the U.S. Gov't.

In this 60 minutes piece with Scott Pelley, we learn that the NSA was tracking at least 3 of the alleged 9/11 hijackers and had information of the plot that was not "analyzed correctly". Tom Drake was a senior analyst with the NSA who had developed technology back in January of 2001 that if implemented may have been able to stop the attacks. That is assuming of course the administration at the time would lifted a finger to do anything. However, this is good example on how whistleblowers are treated and why anyone with high enough inside knowledge of the attack cannot or will not come forward.

source video with transcript is here:


The comments on this story are surprisingly supportive of Mr Drake. Might a good place to drop some additional info to this thread.

peace all

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"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."
-- Patrick Henry
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Now they aimed James Risen

one of the NYT authors who wrote much about the WTC towers.
