Kean and Hamilton to appear at "Ten Years After 9/11" hearing on Wednesday, March 30


Lieberman, Collins Examine Progress of Counterterrorism Reforms

In a Year-Long Series of Hearings

WASHINGTON—Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., and Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Me., will hold the first in a year-long series of hearings that will assess the progress made and the work still left to be done to protect the American people from terrorist attacks. The hearing - entitled “Ten Years After 9/11: A Report From the 9/11 Commission Chairmen” - will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 30, and will measure the headway made in counterterrorism reforms proposed by the 9/11 Commission and enacted by Congress in the aftermath of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Who: Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn.

Ranking Member Susan Collins, R-Me.

What: Hearing, “Ten Years After 9/11: A Report From the 9/11 Commission Chairmen”

Where: 342 Senate Dirksen Office Building

When: Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 10:00 a.m.

Witnesses: The Honorable Thomas H. Kean, Former Chairman, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

The Honorable Lee H. Hamilton, Former Chairman, National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

If it's possible...

people need to be 1st Amendment-ing at this event.

Q: Who and What is the SICKEST S... you've heard in a long time?

Who: Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn.
What: Hearing, “Ten Years After 9/11: A Report From the 9/11 Commission Chairmen”

Spot-on !

No Such Thing

There simply is no such thing as an "Independent" Democrat. Little droopy had to leave the Democratic Party and go start his own "Connecticut for LIEberman" party when he LOST the Primary in order to stay on the ballot...

10 years later With Kean and Hamilton

The Two Old Muppets in the Balcony sharing memories about that "event that has changed all of our lives."

Maybe Philip Zelikow will do a guest appearance.

It's insulting.


Someone's got to inform Lieberman about one other thing

A "must watch" clip


We need a presence at this, big time!

These dirtbags need to see a presence here. Joe Lieberrman is a complete tratior dumbass.

Traitor? YES! Dumbass? NO.

"Joe Lieberrman is a complete tratior dumbass."

In the houses of shadow lies joe..

first up Susan Lindauer.

maybe uncle joe, his integrity SO manifest it defies ALL decencies trying to DEFINE it,
maybe joe can find out WHAT intelligence he is actually TALKING about. WHY that intelligence 'got lost' between POWELL, CARD and BUSH,
and WHO those agents were filming 'for the record' that terrible day he is just about to FARCE up.


The 9/11 Commission was the equivalent of the Gambino Family investigating the Mafia. Having Lieberman anywhere near this topic demonstrates severe conflict of interest, at the very least... echoes of Kissinger being in charge of the 9/11 Commission (!!!), or Zelikow for that matter.

The obvious question: if the official 9/11 story is true, then why all the stonewalling, the coverups, the lies, the changed stories, the trashing of the investigation, the un-prosecuted wholesale tampering with crime scenes/removal of evidence, the media blackout, the demonization of those merely asking questions, the railroading of witnesses, ad nauseam?

The powers-that-be, alongside their media cohorts started closing ranks from the day of 9/11 itself. This type of conduct indicates one consistent thing: certain people ....privileged people with connections in the highest of places.... are being protected.

Who are the beneficiaries of this protection? Osama bin Laden? other al Qaeda agents? (pffft!!!)


I attended the hearing

Both Kean and Hamilton said their biggest concern was the lack of formation of a civil liberties and privacy oversight panel. Kean noted that only 2 appointments have been proposed, meaning Obama hasn't even proposed enough to meet a quorum. While Kean and Hamilton deserve praise for this concern, how bad off are we when Kean and Hamilton are our primary defenders of civil liberties. Sen Daniel Akaka, a committee member, showed up JUST to raise this civil liberties question. Thus it could be Akaka should be lobbied by Hawaiians to ask for a real investigation.

It was refreshing to hear Lieberman note that the vast majority of Muslims do not support terrorism. This is the opposite position from Pete King, who convened controversial hearings on the house side recently.

Kean and Hamilton also lamented that the person really running intelligence is Obama's top advisor, John Brennan. They said they have no problem with him, but they dislike that since he works in the White House, he cannot be called to answer questions on Capitol Hill. They noted only congress can be a watchdog on the intelligence community, since the press doesn't know enough. Regardless of the important truths they ignore, I realize big shots in the federal government are compelled to debate who is in charge.

At the end of the 2 hour hearing, I gave fliers to the various press. All but 2 of the 10 or so kept them. As I handed them out I said," While I was pleased at how charming everyone was, but this is still a criticism." I titled it " Absurdities if the 911 commission". I noted the Mineta testimony about Cheney was not included. I noted also there was no mention of the destruction of WTC 7. Lastly I noted that Phil Shenon of the NYT reported in his book that executive director Zelikow outlined the report before the hearings started and consulted with Karl Rove on the phone and then tried to cover it up.

I walked the halls of the Senate Office Buildings and gave my handout to almost each committee members office, writing the name of the homeland security staffer at the top before leaving it. I also did this a the offices of my own senators.

Thanks David
