Gothamist Covers March 26th W. Hartford Event and Building What?

In a stop story, The Gothamist covers the March 26th event in West Hartford Ct., and includes original Building What? Campaign commercial.

Video: Ad Demands Probe Into 9/11 WTC Building 7 Collapse

The group Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth claims that 1,464 verified architectural and engineering professionals and 11,470 other supporters have signed a petition demanding of Congress "a truly independent investigation" into what caused the collapse of WTC Building 7 on 9/11. And on Saturday, March 26th, there will be a big conference at the University of Hartford to dispute the official conclusion [pdf] that the 47-story tower collapsed due to fire, and raise money to get this commercial on the air:

The official report from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) concluded that fires following the impact of debris from the collapse of WTC 1 (the north tower) led to the collapse of WTC 7. But skeptics claim the building fell in a controlled demolition, and allege that the area around the building was suspiciously evacuated more than a hour before it fell in preparation. 7 World Trade Center housed SEC files relating to numerous Wall Street investigations, and files relating Citigroup to the WorldCom scandal were lost. The Secret Service also had offices in the building, and all their evidence stored there was lost.
Featured speakers at the conference will include author Craig Unger, New York University Professor Mark Crispin Miller, Professor Graeme MacQueen, Attorney William Pepper, journalist Leslie Griffith, author Dick Russell, architect Richard Gage, and mechanical engineer Tony Szamboti. Tickets cost $20, but you can probably pay in gold if you're not down with paper currency.

The Gothamist...

The flagship Gothamist blog has received a number of awards and commendations, including six Bloggies nominations. It was named a "Forbes Favorite",[5] and a BusinessWeek "Best of the Web".[6] In 2007, Gothamist was named blog of the year by Wired magazine and given a Wired Rave Award.[7]

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There is a comment by a "Mark Sellars" that we should all vote UP by "Like"-ing it, so it's the top rated one. It is a great logical comment.

I thought this Article in the Gothamist was important enough..

to post it here:

I'm surprised at how few comments there are over at Gothamist.