Dr. Niels Harrit: Cross Canada Tour

Dr. Harrit is a courageous man of science

But the poster has a glaring typo in the headline!

There should be no apostrophe in the word "Questions". Small details overlooked can kill the credibility of a message as important as this.

Canada Questions 9/11

Thanks Chriskin, I appreciate your help

Dr. Niels

........I don't want to sound rude. Your qualifications and willingness to speak out is so very appreciated........ It's just F**king sad that Canada, shows more interest than the country that this happened to.......

We are neighbours and friends Canada/ USA

Canada is also fighting in Afghanistan along side US troops with the rest of NATO for a war our former defence minister Gordon O Connor coined as in 2007 ...just as your Obama aid David Axelrod - A War of " 9/11 Retribution"...Retribution without ever having first investigated the murders of 24 Canadians on US soil, carelessly joining George Bush's " Hit first, ask questions later logic."

Canada once known as a nation that promotes peace around the world- no more. Known today to the Afghan people as invaders, losing innocent Afghan people of mostly women and children in record amounts each year as reported by the UN. Murdered by NATO/ TALIBAN bullets, bombs and leaders from both countries Canada and the US misbehaving like bullies... with this blood-lust for 9/11 RETRIBUTION.

The bulk of our Canadian soldiers lost to this war of 9/11 retribution in Afghanistan were based here in Edmonton along with their family, friends and children who now miss them. These days Edmontonians have given up placing yellow ribbons on the black elm trees that line our boulevards for our returning soldiers? Most Canadians have no idea why were are fighting in Afghanistan while 1 in 3 Canadians according to the CBC The Fifth Estate seriously doubt the official 9/11 story thanks to the 9/11 truth movement around the world.

That should give you a couple clues why so many Canucks are interested in 9/11. besides , you are our neighbors and friends, we love NY and we care about the truth too...there are no borders that can separate us from that.

Has any one posted video taken on his tour ?

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,
Has any one posted video taken on his tour ? If so please post them on this page.

Yours John

Will be doing interviews with Niels in Edmonton

And perhaps other Academics and Professors who will be attending- The only video available at this time is this promo YouTube.

Merci ( thanks ) for the post

Merci ( thanks ) for the post