What do Charlie Sheen, Willie Nelson and Rosie O’Donnell have in common? A rundown of celebrity 9/11 ‘Truthers’ YAHOO NEWS 11/16

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What do Charlie Sheen, Willie Nelson and Rosie O’Donnell have in common? A rundown of celebrity 9/11 ‘Truthers’

Jeff Winkler - The Daily Caller Jeff Winkler - The Daily Caller – Tue Nov 16, 11:26 am ET

Geraldo Rivera brought two Truthers onto his show Saturday to discuss the controlled implosion of 7 World Trade Center. It was a turnaround for the mustachioed personality, who once said 9/11 Truthers were “into restroom gay sex” and told them “get a life.”

Instead, they found their way onto Geraldo’s set and got a mic.

Geraldo’s change of heart came on the heels of comments actor Ed Asner made on Adam Carolla’s Nov. 9 podcast in which Mary Tyler Moore boss said the World Trade Center towers had been loaded with explosives.

“I think there’s a certain area of government that participated in [the 9/11 attacks],” said Asner. Asner has been a vocal Truther for some time now, “wondering” about the government’s involvement as early as 2004.

So why the sudden high-profile attention given to Truthers? Did Oliver Stone get stiffed by a New York City taxi driver the week before and suggest Hugo Chavez broadcast revealing new facts about the terrorist attacks?

The short answer is “no,” if only because the most recent theses on the terrorist attacks are the same ones the country as heard before. The theories have prominent supporters, too. They include porn enthusiasts, drug addicts, Minnesota politicians, fans of Harriet the Spy or — in an odd but somehow understandable way — a combination of all four.

In case one had successfully forgotten for even a small chunk of time, here’s a quick recap of some other famous Truthers.

Rosie O’Donnell
Who knew “The View” referred to the veranda overlooking an insane asylum? More surprisingly, who knew Elisabeth Hasselbeck was a pint-size Bob Woodward with pouty lips? While O’Donnell said she didn’t think the government had any direct part in the attacks on 9/11, she did wonder aloud about some basic principles of metallurgy, physics, demolitions, architecture and generally every other area in which she has limited expertise.

O’Donnell’s most insightful comment came after a moment in Hasselbeck’s no spin-class zone: “I have no idea.”

Charlie Sheen
Even before he was the “half” in the sit-com, “Two and a Half Men,” Sheen had some “questions” about the terrorist attacks. After doing his “own research,” Sheen laid out his thesis on the Alex Jones radio show. The biggest flaw in his theory? Sheen recalled getting up “early” on 9/11 to do actual work.

Sheen made the slightest suggestion that government agents were responsible for the attack. The entertainment news star, however, still hasn’t “wondered” if these were the same agents that planted half of Colombia’s export business in his left nostril.

Willie Nelson
Forget the copious amounts of weed he smoked, it was more likely the duet he had to perform with Toby Keith the drove ole Willie to suspect that evil does in fact conspire. Although Willie’s seen plenty of buildings with smoke billowing from them, he told Larry King that he knew a controlled demolition when he saw one. The king of hippie country said he wish there would be more investigations into the attacks. Perhaps it was just that he wished there were fewer investigations less on personal tax receipts.

Jesse Ventura
Look up Jesse Ventura in the dictionary on Google and you may be surprised (or not) to discover that he and his team have looked into everything from Area 51 to the JFK assassination. The former Minnesota governor also thinks the attacks on 9/11 were a controlled demolition. Conspiracy theorists should note in their little black journals that both The Body and Sheen laid out their ideas on Alex Jones’s radio program. One anagram of “Alex Jones” (ignore the others) is “Jean Loxes.” Jean is the first name of the X-Men character “Jean Grey,” who later became Phoenix. A “phoenix” is a well-cooked bird, flying around on fire and destroying anything it touches. Do you need this spelled out any further?

Truth Maequarading as a (s)Hit Piece

With the videos published with the article, I think the author intends to guide people to the TRUTH.

I sent the author the following email...

Mr. Winkler,

I recently read your article about "celebrity 9/11 truthers" and I must admit it is a shameful piece of journalism. Are you aware, sir, that thousands of reputable people including engineers, architects, pilots, military, law enforcement, intelligence, academia, and even politicians and heads of state have rejected the official 9/11 story and have called for a new investigation?


Well you should. Especially after writing that hit piece. Which was a fairly transparent attempt at discrediting the messenger rather than the message. Even so, tactics employed by you and other faux-journalists have done little to stifle a movement which is growing, not shrinking. All you can do is attack people's personal lives and personalities which results in little more than immature schoolyard name-calling. For example,

"The theories have prominent supporters, too. They include porn enthusiasts, drug addicts, Minnesota politicians, fans of Harriet the Spy or — in an odd but somehow understandable way — a combination of all four."

You sound like an asshole, no offense. Are you seriously suggesting that the many millions of people who question the official story are porn obsessed, drug addicts with IQs of 50? Or is it possible, just maybe, that we are right in our suspicions that the Government is not telling us the truth? It is clear to me that you clearly have not spent any significant time investigating 9/11.

Forgive me if I am being offensive but I have read too many of these damn hit pieces to maintain much respect for your profession. For the sake of our country and your children (if you have any) I highly suggest you look into it for yourself and use the brain that God/Nature gave you. Instead of just parroting the government line and taking cheap shots at easy targets.


John D. Briggs II


You can email him to at the following address: jeff@dailycaller.com

And here is his response...

Mr. Briggs,

I am an asshole. If it's any consolation, though, I don't maintain much respect for my profession either.

On the bright side, I think our government officials are very shitty liars. They break into the Democratic headquarters or kill a backwoods revolutionary on a small island country without screwing it all up. Knowing how clumsy the government is helps me sleep at night when I begin to fear they might be behind the 9/11 attacks.

All best,



Basically, he does not have the "necessary equipment" (read: brain power) to understand the concepts we are dealing with in regard to 9/11.

He's in denial

and clings to the incompetence theory so he can sleep at night.

He also seems to have allowed his own cynicism to chart the course of his life (pretty sad, if you ask me).

Just leave the facts on his doorstep and move on to someone who is more open.

One can lead a horse to water ...

The truth shall set us free (those open to it, anyway).

Love is the only way forward (and the only way to help those in denial).

Amazed the A-hole responded.


The Videos

"steel does melt at a fairly low temperature"

That's what the Breitbart host said. Is there hope for humankind?

What a terrible piece of writing

What's wrong with this isn't so much it's "attack" or "hitpiece" aspect, but what gets passed off as journalism and editorial writing now. Seems to me that the dumbing down process has reached it's zenith, if this guy's any indication of what's considered "mainstream" thinking.
Shouldn't be too hard now to tear down their POV and worldview, particularly given the magnitude of historical data that's now arrived.

We win again, every time.

I wish they'd "attack" us more..

Really mousy author

(Not like Geraldo at all)
Some top politicians have said that Americans should be ashamed of themselves for questioning the official story (like questioning the war in Iraq), and in some cases have gone as far as to label such questioners as terrorist sympathizers, and I think that's just wrong. Think about how these celebrities are mocked today and ask yourself where those feelings were defined, and you will find it came from politicians. There's no truth in saying a person should be ashamed of forming their own opinion on the matter. Our country was formed by its people forming their own opinions on its matters. I've heard at least a couple presidents (and key congressmen) call it shameful to question the official story on 911; there's a sign of guilt right there.

Americans, the ultimate innocents.

"We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth."

Columnist Sydney Schanberg referring to how the US populace was hoodwinked by the lies and deception of the US military and the Johnson administration into supporting a full scale military invasion of Vietnam. See: http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=2261

brilliant reply thread to hit piece

Thank you all who responded in these comments .. I look forward to spreading around this thread since it shows so many levels of integrity, fear, denial, excuses for reality. And it shows how one's job can become more important than respecting what is true for any thinking person to discover.. which comes down to fear versus truth. The former enables more atrocities to continue, the latter exposes the incredible levels of deception and betrayal for unjustifiable fear to occur again in different forms.

This will be linked to under critical breaking news at www.FlybyNews.com

Here is an e-mail message I couldn't help


Below is a response of yours to John D. Briggs II, that I recently read on 911Blogger.com, concerning his e-mail comments to you on your recent article criticizing celebrities who doubt the present official story as to what occurred on Sept. 11, 2001.

"Mr. Briggs,

I am an asshole. If it's any consolation, though, I don't maintain much respect for my profession either.

On the bright side, I think our government officials are very shitty liars. They break into the Democratic headquarters or kill a backwoods revolutionary on a small island country without screwing it all up. Knowing how clumsy the government is helps me sleep at night when I begin to fear they might be behind the 9/11 attacks.

All best,


I think it necessary to remind you that government would not have to have been involved in the collapse of WTC 7, and that their ineptness here could be simply responsible for a very poor investigation, which did not explain what actually occurred. It is quite obvious to honest people, with more than a few functioning brain cells, that WTC 7 was brought down via controlled demolition. Anyone who claims not to see that, after viewing videos of the collapse and availing themselves of research done on it by an array of unconnected technical people, can be considered assinine and inept or attempting to maintain a cover-up.

Please go to http://www.Buildingwhat.org and avail yourself of the information you apparently still need to make up your own mind, as your present logic for not believing it is literally quite shitty itself. Reality sucks sometimes, but adults are supposed to face it and not tell themselves fairy tales to make themselves feel better.


Tony Szamboti

What do

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly have in common?

(Drugs, drugs, porn)

This is too easy...

they were all inquisitive journalists before they sold out to


or was that just Bill O'Reilly ?
