Interview with Sander Hicks about Truthstock

Direct download .mp3, 14 minutes at 32.3 MB

9-11 truth-roger morris

The Artwork above is by New Zealand artist/activist Roger Morris. Mr. Hicks came on to my Liberated Syndication podcast show on November 8th to talk about his event coming up this Saturday in Los Angeles called Truthstock. He has recently moved to L.A. He appears to be making a great effort to connect with others, support others, and present the 9/11 Truth Movement in a way the will reach people and have a positive impact. Thanks, Sander.


truthstock flyer


You west coasters got enough good truthers there already. Send him back east right NOW! Now we're gonna have to work twice as hard...

Hey, lakezoarian.

i just presented the Ruling Council of Elders with your demand and argument. It seems they agree with you. Mr. Hicks is being sent back. Let us all hope and pray that he does not oppose the council's edict.

Thank Goodness for That

Because I happen to know that the dude's got some serious mojo! ;-D

Cool, buddy.

I can totally see it . I ask anyone seeing this to support his cause.

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