We Are Change Chicago at Anti-War Rally 10-16-10

We Are Change Chicago at Anti-War Rally 10-16-10


We (9/11 Truth for Peace and Justice Movement) should be attending all Anti-War Rallies.

What A Great Group!

In my opinion "We Are Change" is the top group of thuthers in the country. They are making a huge impact. Keep up the great work my friends. By the way, if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area next Saturday the great David Icke will be speaking in Marin. For those who are new to the truth movement here is a teaser you might enjoy. Check it out. http://www.davidicke.com/headlines/37197-david-icke-stand-up-comedy-you-... I suppose I will get some negative votes for mentioning him but that is OK. This man speaks the truth. By the way, you can listen to him on the Alex Jones show once a month. It seems Alex really woke-up. I guess he must have studied String Theory and Quantum Mechanics.

In praise of wackjobs?

' the great David Icke will be speaking...'

That's an association I can do without.

That is because

you are still sound asleep rm. Wake up my friend.

Why you might get negative votes for praising Icke and Jones

Just read SnowCrash's comments filled with great links on the 2nd page http://911blogger.com/news/2010-10-17/visibility-911-dozen-questons-abou... of this blog in regard to David Icke and his absurd claims that shape-shifting alien lizards run the world and how his is literally the son of god.

The WAC actions here in Chicago look awesome. I commend all of the WAC groups who have had the courage to stand up for the truth. I have very much been appreciative for years of watching their vids. Some most amazing actions by WAC have ACTUALLY revealed NEW FACTS about 9/11. I'd like to point out that of all the action vids I have seen, the videos where the WAC individuals and groups behave in a more calm and reserved fashion seem to have the best affect by far. In the WAC vids where I see individuals mimicking Alex Jones's typical behavior (yelling out things like 'zombies!' 'nwo scum!' 'you were at bilderberg' 'you are part of the cfr'), the WAC activists have almost always been removed from events, failed to communicate their points, and or failed to extract new information about 9/11 from high level figures. Going in with the idea of a "confrontation" seems to always lead to a "confrontation" where everyone leaves feeling their own original views solidified. I've been most effective in the street and when asking questions of officials and talking with average people, by thinking of what I was doing more like a "truth extraction mission" instead of a "confrontation." (think of the video titles 'so and so politician CONFRONTED)

Both Alex Jones and David Icke exposed me to things I had never heard of (I subscribed to Jones's website for over 2 years). These limited views of subjects I learned from these two men however were almost always presented in such a radical and speculative fashion, that my limited radical presentation of these newly discovered ideas, were impossible for me to communicate to almost everyone I spoke to in my street outreach and activism. I wasted a lot of time and money on both Jones and Icke. I write this post as a warning in that regard. I want us all to be efficient, effective activists.

A peaceful approach, free of audacious radicalism, especially when it comes to street actions, has always proved to me to be the most well received approach.

I agree with your approach but

I am a truther through and trough. I realize sometimes you have to spoon feed the truth to a new comer but being a hard-core truther I have taken this rabbit hole to the bottom. Icke and Jones have done the same thing. What you find isn't pretty right now but you can't hide your head in the sand. Once you understand the true nature of reality you come to the conclusion that Icke and Jones are right. I suggest people study string theory and quantum mechanics. This Universe isn't what it appears to be on the surface. As far as Icke calling himself God the truth is we all are. It's in the Bible. "Behold Ye Are God's, Children Of The Most High" or if you read the Lord's Prayer the first two words tell it all. "Our Father". If God is my father then I am his kid. Since God is infinite so are we. The infinite cannot be divided. As far as shape-shifting goes we live in an eleven dimensional universe. Not three dimensions. Read Ed Witten sometime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Witten This web site is suppose to be for hard core truthers although I am sure some new people do drop by. I have found out sometimes the new people catch on quicker than the old timers. It all depends on how open your mind is.

I'm not hiding my head in the sand.

I have pulled it out and become analytical. I don't accept the bogus theories which Icke and Jones perpetuate as facts. You believe we live in 11d and that you are God because the bible says so. I cannot see unprovable ideas as fact (even if they make me feel good). Im glad they make you feel good, I just think they have nothing to do with 9/11 truth.


if I offended anyone but I am just getting bored with hearing about controlled demolitions etc. I figured it would liven things up a little because I know the mere mention of Icke would cause a fuss. Although it is good to keep an open mind on everything especially when it comes to 9/11 at least until there is a "Real" investigation into the matter. Lets face the facts. None of us know what really happened on that awful day. When the truth comes out, and it will, I am sure we will be in for some big surprises. All we can do now is speculate.

Deep in the soul, below pain, below all the distractions of life, is a silence vast and grand - an infinite ocean of calm, which nothing can disrupt; Nature's own exceeding peace, which "passes understanding". That which we seek with passionate longing, here and there, upward and outward, we find at last within ourselves. The kingdom within! The indwelling God! are words whose sublime meaning we will never fathom....9-11 Joe

No one here is bored discussing facts about 9/11

That's what we are here to do. You (9-11 Joe) just stated "All we can do now is speculate" until the truth comes out. I completely disagree. There are many things that can be proven about 9/11. There is loads of tangible evidence. We are not here for speculative theorizing. We can actually use the facts to find more facts. Keeping a critical mind is the only way to keep an open one. Sticking with the tangible is far more productive and is MOST CRITICAL when it comes to street actions and activism.

OK Smart Guy

Where is the tangible evidence? Something that will hold up in court. I guess Mike Ruppert was right after all. No wonder we are still at step one after all these years.

Put Options? 9/11 Commission

Put Options?
9/11 Commission Omissions?
Failed Air Defenses?
Victims families having questions?
Prevention of Investigation by the administration?
OBL in a military hospital the night before the attack?

All tangible proof of deception, even treason in some cases. And there are even MSM news articles confirming all of these subjects. I could go on listing but tangible evidence is referenced all throughout this site. It is at this point, easy to find. Many people have spent years researching it. This is why I disagree that 'all we can do is speculate.' There are things we can prove and need to push for. Pushing for these points always leads to more truth outing and spreading. The speculative theorizing on our parts is important in order to further our research, but as far as the point which we spread and teach the public, speculation is a waste of our breaths and always sets us back (often by appearing simply presumptuous and audacious to people who were actually ready to start opening up).

I sure hope

your right. I have been at this for about 8 years and so far no cigar. I am totally frustrated.

Let creativity cure your frustration

Have you educated everyone you know about the events of 9/11/01?

I'm guessing that you haven't been 100% successful in educating everyone you know and come across.

Your (our) challenge is to keep refining your (our) outreach techniques as you (we) increase your (our) knowledge base.

A creative activist should never be bored and getting frustrated is how you know it is time to try a different approach, a different demographic or both.

I'm going to hazard a guess that not everyone you come into contact with has even seen WTC 7 going down.

We still have plenty of work to do, put your frustration to good use.

I hope that you and yours are well.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Thanks, more than words can say. Also STRATEGIZING

It is such a glorious relief from the grind of going against the common head bobbing, masses who, at every turn challenge and harass us. This lifts our spirits so much. THANK YOU!

Also, as an idea to get the word out, I have taken to copy/pasting from Patriots Question 911, prestigious figures, of whom none could honestly call a kook . If any of you have a site you frequent, and engage in debate with, this is something that might have the impact needed to wake folks up. Then, as the hundreds and hundreds of highly credible, scientists, government officials, architects, engineers, etc, make their eloquent statements, the denialists will have a more difficult time. Just keep doing it. Also, it is important to thank the host of the web site.




Milwaukee 9/11 Truth Group Joined With We Are Change Chicago

It's always important to stay connected with 9/11 Truth groups nearby so the Milwaukee group "Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth ts911t.org drove to Chicago to participate in this anti-war march.
We helped pass out flyers and DVD's and made some noise.
Take Care Matt

9/11 Truth for Peace and Justice is...

...this century's...



...regardless of whom you are marching with on behalf of PEACE...


...9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice...

...CI...Civil Informationing...

...a dimished role for Libertarianismin in 9/11 Truth...

...and the old PEACE movements...


... as they will in a short while...

...the old style peaceniks will immediately jump ahead four decades...

...and really ADD significant "stuff" to what we are all up to...


...9/11 truthers joining in the push for PEACE like this is a really good thing to PEACE...

...but mostly as an example of what a MODERN public activism operations are all about...

...its the THINGYS...

Such as...

...DVDs-internet-online vids-MODERN websites-texting-blackberries-phone cameras...and...

...the amazing number of professional "Truther" organizations that have sprung up...

...that the old fashioned "peace organizations" have nary a clue about...NADA...


...we must patiently show them how we do what we do...


...let the old timer, well experienced, gray haired, long tooth Peace Activists such as me...

...get in the NOSES...

...of the gray haired PEACE activists...


...how ASLEEP they have been for the last FOUR decades!


...good things are asembling themselves all around us...

...all the time...

...its a good time to be alive...

...cause if you aint "seein" and "feelin" what's goin down...

...pretty much you must be DEAD...

So, what would the POINT be?...

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

