CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse

Yet another 9/11 video that NIST tried to block from being released has emerged discussing bombs in the World Trade Center that led to the collapse of the twin towers, indicating once more that the organization attempted to preside over a cover-up to hide evidence of secondary explosives.

International Center for 9/11 Studies


September 11th, 2001 - "CNN is now reporting that there was a third explosion at the WTC probably an explosion from the ground that caused WTC1 to collapse on top of itself. Again there was a third explosion it is unclear what caused it whether it was a bomb or whether the first plane that crashed into the tower had somehow been booby trapped with a bomb that was timed to explode later after the crashed had occurred. But CNN is reporting that there was a third explosion that caused WTC1 to collapse within itself" -- Marcia Kramer on CBS2. 

Paul Joseph Watson
October 15, 2010

CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse<br />

Image: Beverly & Pack

Yet another 9/11 video that NIST tried to block from being released has emerged discussing bombs in the World Trade Center that led to the collapse of the twin towers, indicating once more that the organization attempted to preside over a cover-up to hide evidence of secondary explosives.

Every single video that we have been able to study following a lawsuit brought by the International Center for 9/11 Studies, which forced the National Institute of Standards and Technology to release 3 terabytes of material, has contained either direct or eyewitness evidence of controlled demolition, suggesting that NIST’s refusal to release the footage after a FOIA request was a deliberate ploy to try and keep the material out of the public arena.

On Wednesday we reported on how footage of WTC 7’s collapse had been edited to try and hide evidence of controlled demolition.

The new clip features CBS 2 reporter Marcia Kramer discussing a CNN report about secondary explosions inside the ground level areas of the south tower which caused the building to collapse.

CNN is now reporting that there was a third explosion at the World Trade Center, probably an explosion from the ground that caused World Trade Center 1 to collapse on top of itself,” states reporter Marcia Kramer in the clip.

Kramer refers to WTC 1 but is in fact talking about the south tower, which was the first to collapse. The live footage on the clip shows the smoking north tower still standing.

Again there was a third explosion, it is unclear what caused it, whether it was a bomb or whether the first plane that crashed into the tower had somehow been booby trapped with a bomb that was timed to explode later after the crash had occurred. But CNN is reporting that there was a third explosion that caused World Trade Center 1 to collapse within itself,” she adds.

Watch the clip.

The video dovetails with another clip that NIST attempted to sit on, in which 9/11 firefighters describe secondary explosions in the lobby area of the tower that caused the building to collapse.

As we highlighted last week, numerous eyewitnesses, including WTC janitor William Rodriguez, supervisor Anthony Saltalamacchia, and ABM janitorial services employee Kenneth Johannemann, all described explosions in the basement area of the towers before and after they were hit by planes.

15-year WTC worker Marlene Cruz and numerous other WTC basement workers, including Felipe David and Salvatore Giambanco, have all gone public since the attacks to talk about secondary explosions in the lower levels of the towers.

The 9/11 Commission completely ignored the hundreds of survivors, professionals, first responders, firefighters and police who reported numerous secondary explosions at all levels of the twin towers.

The official story dictates that the collapse of both towers began at the impact point where the planes hit the buildings. Evidence of ground level explosions that contributed to the collapse of the towers would not corroborate with the government’s insistence that the attack was solely the work of 19 hijackers acting on behalf of Osama bin Laden, which is presumably why NIST fought tooth and nail to prevent this and other videos from being released.

RELATED: Video: 9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Towers Collapsed

RELATED: New 9/11 Footage Reveals WTC 7 Explosions

RELATED: Did NIST Edit WTC 7 Footage To Hide Evidence Of Implosion?

Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show. Watson has been interviewed by many publications and radio shows, including Vanity Fair and Coast to Coast AM, America’s most listened to late night talk show.



To hear this Marcia Kramer read her lines. The 2nd tower hasn't even come down yet and she's making her talking points about these terrorist attacks.

But then she says there has been an explosion at Capitol Hill? Huh? Was Capitol Hill where Flight 93 was supposed to crash? Did Marcia pull a BBC Jane Smiley? And why is the timeclock on screen wrong?

This is getting strange.

A Bomb Went Off in the Capitol Building?

Agree, chriskin. But, about the explosion at Capitol Hill: this is HUGE news! I've never heard about this before, either. Can anyone share more info about the reported Capitol Hill explosion? THANK YOU, Mr. Chandler, et. al., for bringing this powerful video evidence of 9/11 crimes out into the public view.

I found this...

"10:12 CNN reports explosion at Capitol Hill. Capitol evacuated."
"10:24 CNN says there was no explosion at Capitol Hill."


Does anyone have any more information regarding these reports? If so, please post. Thank you!

The jet fuel bolus hypothesis

I've always thought the "jet fuel bolus" explosion hypothesis was very improbable at best. Consider WTC1, where the plane hit the center of the north face, and all the ~10,000 gallons of fuel in the plane were located in the wing tanks (none in the center tank). There were two elevator shafts that served most of the floors and ran down to the concourse. Other elevators served the basement levels.

For the jet fuel bolus hypothesis to be even remotely reasonable, the following questions would have to be satisfied.

1) Did the impact damage fully open all of the 30 + elevator shafts in the core area of the impact zone or would there have been preferential paths?

2) How much jet fuel was available to flow away, after fireballs and impact/failure zone fires? FEMA estimated this to be about one third, or 3,500 gallons, and NIST supported this (roughly).

3) Assuming all the elevator shafts were fully exposed, how much of this fuel would have flowed down each? Was it one-thirtieth of the total available, or 116 gallons (a maximum)? This assumes none was lost to other openings.

4) How much of this jet fuel adhered to the surface of the elevator shaft as it traveled downward? The elevator shafts were lined with thick gypsum planking, and the low surface tension jet fuel would have wetted this thoroughly. An estimate of the surface area in an express shaft is 60,000 sq ft. If it took one gallon to wet 500 sq ft, all the available jet fuel (>116 gallons) would have been lost in this process. Instead, did none of the fuel adhere to the elevator shaft on its 90 floor journey?

5) There were some reports of fires in elevator areas below the local cabs that served the upper floors. If jet fuel caused these fires, would it not have had to come from this long-span express elevator flow? How much fuel was consumed in these fires and, if the fires were not in these two shafts, where did these fires occur and how did the fuel get there?

6) How could unburned jet fuel make its way around the elevator cabs, and how long would it take to re-accumulate at the lower level?

7) Didn’t the Turner Construction employee immediately report an explosion in sublevel 4? Did these two elevators serve that level?

8) How much jet fuel would be required to produce the explosive energy reported (e.g. destroying the lobby), and how did the fuel/air mix become optimum and then ignite?

Good collection of questions and data

I like seeing posted on these threads, a variety of related information.
Thanks Kevin.

The Turner Construction employee? ...sublevel 4 explosion. Where is that data?
Is it the video interview of a guy who talks about the basement explosions?

Tom T

The Turner employee that witnessed an explosion on B4 was part of emergency call transcripts. I'll have to look for it, but it might be the same testimony as then one listed here.

It seems to me

that we have them on the run. They can't get anything straight. Some of the stuff they come up with is beyond belief. Yesterday Alex Jones was saying that there are a huge number of stars that know the truth and are ready to come out with it. Right now they are afraid to speak the truth but there is strength in numbers and AJ thinks they will eventually come out as a unit. That would sure blow the lid off the cover-up. Lets hope AJ is right.


.............wouldn't that be great.
The media would try desperately to avoid the story, but they simply wouldn't be able to.
What would Amy Goodman and Chris Matthews do?

What would Amy Goodman and Chris Matthews do?

They would crap in their pants. I would love to see it. Especially Amy. She was there when Building 7 came down.

What would Amy Goodman do?

Maybe rejoice that the official story was finally crashing down and that she could finally tell the world her story of how the HIGH PERPS were able to shut down America's heretofore most progressive muckraking journalist. That's a story that needs to be heard, eh, pfgetty? Who knows what it took, but it had to be serious as a heart attack.

Well stated chriskin...Amy Goodman KNOWS!

Just read some of Amy's latest books...she GETS IT!

Its the 9/11 Truthers who are NOT in such public positions who think that these folks should act differently...more overtly.

Look, they KNOW that the Feds offed JFK, RFK, MLK...and in MY personal view, John Lennon who was even MORE of a threat to their control of the masses than ALL of those just mentioned.

If we turn this disaster around it will be because we ALL stand up against the HI PERPS...and mostly at the same time...

This time is coming...and it is not quite here yet...but I sense its gonna happen pretty soon...most likely 2013 IF Obama gets reelected...if not...we can forget it because the "new McCain" will shut it all back down...but RUTHLESSLY this time. [That's a very dark joke...]

Now, I'm NOT an Obama fan because I'm NOT an Ivy League fan [two scholarship-ed kids through those power sick institutions]...and other than the Pentagon, THE IVY LEAGUE ENVIRONMENT is the genesis, or the breeding ground, of the perpetual ruling class that controls almost all of goes on...

Its my view that Obama was selected-chosen-positioned YEARS AGO BY the Ivy Leagues to run because the Ivies KNEW that they had nominated all the "white pasty euro-centric males" for president that they possibly could, they needed something else.

Consequently, and with the usual forethought, they put into place both a "pasty black guy" and a "pasty white woman" in Obama and Clinton take the FALL for what the republican-ish HI PERPS had been doing all along ... PROFITEERING... usual...and with the consent of the Democratic PROFITEERS who eventually get their skim too!

Anyway, once this blog gets PAST its "Jones" for Ron Paul and the Libertarian Party, and comes to understand that its' boundaries are FAR WIDER than those of Alex Jones [whom I actually like a lot for being somewhere near MY side...AND because of his unrelenting defense of, and use of, the first amendment...], then some FANTASTIC world-political conversations with OUR PERSPECTIVES and cointelpro SAVVY will emerge.

Such conversations are coming...and we will be instigating many of the conversational dust-ups...AND will be contributing some of our BIGGER THINKING as well as our WARINESS of the penetrations of the HI PERPS' influences on the conversational processes.

chriskin, you are seemingly thinking in these congrats...and its ALL gonna get better!

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

I don't know her well enough............

...............but I kind of like her. She was my link to the progressive world for a long time.
I'd like to think she would be happy to finally spill the beans of the truth of 9/11.

As I said on another thread

I have spoken with Ms. Goodman a couple of times in person and my feeling is that she knows there is something very wrong with the official 9/11 story, but the combination of her own trauma at seeing WTC 7 fall and the day's events in general, and knowing that this story is huge have her too terrified to go anywhere near it. Perhaps if some big name Hollywood stars come out, she will talk to some other alternative media types and they will take on the story, too (this is pure conjecture on my part, I have no inside information).

The bottom line is, and always has been, that WE need to make it safe for everyone to approach the truth of 9/11.

How we do this is just by continuing to educate the public and being more open about who we are [everyone* needs to put bumper stickers on their cars, wear buttons and tee shirts as often as you can and talk to everyone about 9/11 as often as you can without being obnoxious (something my daughters are always bugging me about)] .

*Everyone who feels comfortable doing this, that is.

I have a sign on my car that says "Find Out What Millions of Americans Already Know". The other day after reffing a soccer game one of the parents asked me about the sign, so I handed him one of the newspapers (that's all I had at the time) and told him this would give him a good idea. I guess I will see what happens the next time we cross paths. Btw, I also have an "Investigate 9/11" sticker on the back of that car and the license plate frame says "Why did the Twin Towers come down so fast?"

We are approaching the tipping point, brothers and sisters, so things are going to become increasingly interesting and challenging from now on. This means we have to be vigilant for all kinds of potential mischief by the perps (anything from framing a truther to another false flag event). Always react slowly and thoughtfully, and think peace.

We are the leaders we have been waiting for. It is up to us to create the world we want to live in.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Here is a 21 second excerpt from the Video

Compact and Powerful. This will knock the blinders off of many.

Science Fraud at NIST was the Set-up that caused the 9/11 Commis

Science Fraud at NIST was the Set-up that caused the 9/11 Commission to Fail- 5 min video/audio comp

911PLANET | October 16, 2010

Perhaps the most damning video finally released under FOIA request clearly reveals shameful corruption at the taxpayer supported, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). Lead investigators, Shyam Sunder and John Gross committed (and continue to commit with impunity) deliberate acts of science fraud to assure the 9/11 Commission would fail in their taxpayer supprted mission to report the truth that concludes explosive demolition was a necessary part of a pre-meditated disaster of mass murder on 9/11/2001.

TRANSCRIPT: "CNN is now reporting that there was a third explosion at the WTC probably an explosion from the ground that caused WTC1 to collapse on top of itself. Again there was a third explosion it is unclear what caused it whether it was a bomb or whether the first plane that crashed into the tower had somehow been booby trapped with a bomb that was timed to explode later after the crashed had occurred. But CNN is reporting that there was a third explosion that caused WTC1 to collapse within itself" -- Marcia Kramer on CBS2.

Police says tower is about to collapse...

Could someone please check out: NIST Cumulus Video\WNBC NIST Dub #10 - WT Comp Reel #1\WNBC Dub10 58.avi .. is that before any collapse?

"This is what is coming over our radio: Get out of the area the second tower is coming down."

Filmer comments on BLAST after building explodes

9/11: WTC2 "Collapse" (WNYW live, basement explosion reported)

9/11: WTC2 "Collapse" (WNYW live, basement explosion reported)