Business Review Canada: 9/11 Huge Explosions Search Takes Internet by Storm

A seemingly unusual place to find 9/11 truth information.


9/11 Huge Explosions Search Takes Internet by Storm

Video purportedly showing two New York City firefighters discussing huge explosions a prime example of internet collectivism


New video purportedly showing two New York City firefighters discussing secondary huge explosions prior to the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 is lighting up the internet today. While conspiracy theories have circulated since that fateful morning, this video is certainly reigniting the conversation that huge explosions preceded the planes hitting the towers.

While the vast majority of people dismiss the claims from wing nuts and wackjobs that the American Federal Government orchestrated the attacks for various reasons such as financial gain, this unverified video is the most credible to date.

The video is supposedly part of video footage and photographs used by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for its investigation of the collapse of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.

Why talk about this on a business media site? As millions of people track down the video, countless others are searching Google for huge explosions. This is a prime example of a viral video and the veracity at which ideas, topics, content can spread around the internet.

Apply this example to internet marketing and the returns for a viral branding campaign are obvious. Now, at BRC, we are not advocating attaching your brand to such a highly explosive and controversial subject. We are merely highlighting the potential for ‘things’ to spread like wildfire on the internet. Image if you brand is the most searched topic on the internet for even a single day. The returns are obvious.

Time will tell if these videos are real or just another example of man’s fascination with conspiracy theories. What is real is the huge explosion of interest people surfing the internet have taken in this video. Internet marketing is about rapid, quick interest.


WOW! With LINKS to the video!

WOW! With LINKS to the video!

That should bring in some new converts.