World Trade Center Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power Downs

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World Trade Center Employee Discusses pre 911 Power DownsWorld Trade Center Employee Discusses pre 9/11 Power Downs

by JF Ranger

Watch eyewitness videos below

NEW YORK — A new witness confirms the WTC power down on the weekend before 9/11.

Gary Corbett is a former employee of Fiduciary Trust Company International, a bank that occupied the 90th and the 94th to 97th floors of World Trade Center Two (the South Tower) and which lost 96 employees during the September 11 attacks. Corbett, who worked on the 97th floor, says there was a ‘power down’ on the week-end prior to September 11 for approximately 24 to 36 hours. During this period, he says, “there was a complete breakdown of security that weekend because of the power down.”

According to Corbett, the power down started on Friday night, at close of business and only came back on Sunday afternoon.

This corroborates the information by another former WTC employee, Scott Forbes who went public in 2004 to talk about this mysterious power down in the World Trade Tower 2. Forbes said they had been notified 3 or 4 weeks in advance by the Port Authority-NY/NJ about this power down and that it was “extreme and unprecedented.” He also said that “without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many ‘engineers’ coming in and out of the tower.”

“You have to understand how unprecedented the power down was. To shutdown all of our financial systems, all inter-related and with connections and feeds to may outside vendors and suppliers was a major piece of work. Additionally, the power outage meant that many of the ‘ordinary’ building features were not operating, such as security locks on doors, cameras, lighting, etc.”

—Scott Forbes, former WTC employee

Scott ForbesScott Forbes says he “sent emails and letters to the 9/11 commission and the Port Authority of NY/NJ, without response“. This ‘power down’ event has never been investigated by the 9/11 Commission. We leave it to you to judge whether this should have been investigated by the 9/11 Commission, or not.

Video 1: Gary Corbett, WTC Power Down Witness

Video 2: Interview with Scott Forbes, WTC Power Down Witness

Email excerpt sent by Scott Forbes in April 2004:

On the weekend of 9/8,9/9 there was a 'power down' condition in WTC tower 2,
the south tower. This power down condition meant there was no electrical
supply for approx 36hrs from floor 50 up. I am aware of this situation since
I work in IT and had to work with many others that weekend to ensure that
all systems were cleanly shutdown beforehand ... and then brough[t] back up
afterwards. The reason given by the WTC for the power down was that cabling
in the tower was being upgraded ... Of course without power there were no
security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many 'engineers'
coming in and out of the tower. I was at home on the morning of 9/11 on the
shore of Jersey City, right opposite the Towers, and watching events unfold
I was convinced immediately that something was happening related to the
weekend work ...

I have mailed this information to many people and bodies, including the 9/11
Commission but no-one seems to be taking and registering these facts. Whats
to hide?

Author : Yong Mook Kim
Website : -->

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Blackouts' purpose ?

it seems, from the meeting in SOAS London UK at which Scott Forbes spoke that the power downs were just long enough that none of the computer- dependent businesses in the building would have electricity generating capacity to endure them (i think Scott Forbes' company's generator could keep the data base running 24 hours but the power downs may have been 36 hours) . therefore the businesses found off-site locations to store their data. The point being that one purpose for the power downs seems to have been to get unsuspecting companies prepared to keep wall st running through 9/11 as the off site databases could be used as backup to replace those blown into a fine powder in the WTC.