Join We Are Change Atlanta at the Plaza Theater, Saturday, September 11th

Engineering Destruction

















Join We Are Change Atlanta at the Plaza Theater, Saturday, September 11th as we explore the Truth of 9/11.

We Are Change Atlanta & The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Present

Engineering Destruction
Saturday September 11th 2001
(The 9th Anniversary)
7:30 – 9:30 pm @ The Historic Plaza Theatre
1049 Ponce Deleon Ave Atlanta, Ga 30306
$10.00  Suggested Donation. No One Turned Away (Sliding Scale Available)


Engineering Destruction is a multimedia presentation
given by Mechanical Engineer and Architects & Engineers representative, Derek Johnson. His presentation explains
the forensic science of the 9/11 demolitions for the laymen, that once understood overwhelmingly points to the need for
a new and independent investigation of 9/11.
Tickets are $10 Suggested Donation.
All proceeds go to support the 9/11 Truth Movement and our Brave and Beloved First Responders!

As we enter the Ninth anniversary of the War on Terror, the war in Afghanistan is intensifying, tensions in Iraq are resurfacing, and the possibility of a U.S. led attack on Iran is growing daily. Reflection upon the central premises and objectives in America’s vast military enterprise in the Middle East has never been more urgent. The stakes have been raised. Questioning The Official Story Of 9/11 Is Now A Matter Of Human Survival. We Can Not Ignore The Calling Of History Any Longer.

Stand With Us, As We Honor All Who Have Perished Due To The False Flag Terrorist Attacks Of 9/11.

We Must Be The Change We Wish To See In The World!


Blueprint for Truth WTC 7 




That really puts out a challenge to us here in Allentown to raise the bar "just a little bit" lol...


Excellent video, good luck with your event!

The only thing I would change about the video is to remove the short bit of people jumping out of the towers, it is unnecessarily traumatic and will tend to re-traumatize people and put them back into a closed, guarded emotional state, thus reinforcing their denial. Always remember that 9/11 was a massive psyop and consider the psychological implications of what you are doing.

Edit: I also think that claim #2 is overstating the case in regard to the Twin Towers. They fell very fast, but not at the rate of gravity.

Please let us know how the event goes. The more information we have about events like these can only help to make succeeding events more effective and thus, more successful.

Thanks again and I hope you have a standing room only audience.


The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Looks great!

Good job on the vide and art work, really pro stuff:)

Togther we will win the info war!

Kind regards John

So.....the engineering

So.....the engineering destruction crowd has overtaken the controlled demolition crowd at AE911Truth?
Ask Jack Loizeaux if he engineers demolition or employs "controlled demolition". Engineered destruction implies deliberately faulty construction practices. Funny that the contentious debate at AE would ultimately end in this divergent descriptive into the narrative.

Nice poster but...

Great job on the graphic. It's nice to see Building 7 included for a change. It's nice also to see a presentation being made by a member of AE911Truth. If each of the 1200+ professionals did the same in his or her home town, we'd be opening thousands of eyes to the problem.

I do NOT like "Engineering Destruction" because it sounds like the CONCLUSION. "How THEY ENGINEERED (aka "pulled it off") the destruction." I pay my $10, I show up and I expect to hear: "They put GWB's brother in charge of security at the WTC, then they played with the FAA's computer screens to deliberately confuse them, then they hired unwitting workers to paint NT onto beams when they were renovating the elevators and they doctored some military jets to make them look like normal passenger jets....." You get the idea.

"Engineering Destruction" is misleading as the title of the presentation, and it's not representative of what took place. The buildings were demolished on purpose. That procedure has a name: controlled demolition. And people know what that is. What is important to point out is that, excepting Bulding 7's destruction (classic CD), the Twin Towers used "revolutionary new and innovation controlled demolition". They were blown up from the top and the debris ejected outwards which required the planners to think outside the box at that brainstorming session.

Let's not confuse an all-ready confused public. Use the terms that are correct -- and which they are all familiar with -- and put the facts out there for them to digest, slowly, when they've gone home and the dust you just kicked up inside their heads starts to settle.

"All 3 Towers Collapsed at Free Fall Accelerations..." - FALSE

Why is this false claim prominently featured in an advertisement? I'm sure that Richard Gage knows that WTC 1&2 collapsed at less than free fall acceleration, and WTC 7 (visible exterior, at least) collapsed at free fall acceleration only during the first couple of seconds, or so. * Why not ask him about these claims, being that ae911truth's name is being used?

Even changing the verbiage to "nearly free fall acceleration" (which is what the website says) is problematic, because nobody has produced a definitive theory of collapse that everybody can agree reliably predicts collapse speeds. Even if such a theory was believed to exist, how would it be rigorously tested?

The WTC 7 collapse is highly damning for a non-conspiratorial scenario, from the point of view of it's free fall acceleration phase. But how can you hope to credibly argue about CD for WTC 1&2, using false premises? What's going on here? Somebody trying to take ae911truth down?

Now, if you watch David Chandler's video "Race with Gravity", he plots the 'speed' of the "demolition wave", and finds that the 'acceleration' of the demolition wave is actually 'faster' than free falling pieces of the WTC tower. (His video is on youtube, here.) However, that still doesn't qualify as the physical collapse of the building, itself. At least, that's not how most people, debunkers and 911 truthers alike, would consider to be the collapse of the building, itself.** After all, one could easily create a demolition wave which outpaces gravity, but make the demolition of such little impact, that the building remains standing.

So, you have to count the collapse time of the building according to what you can see. (Alternatively, you can try and use the seismic records.)

* The debunkers make a big deal about the collapse of the WTC 7 penthouse, and act like they know details of a broadening, interior collapse. But they are dishonest, filling in the chasms between their more reasonable speculations and facts with speculations that are nothing more than guesses, covered over with bluster and wishful thinking. I'm not happy about some 911 truth claims, either, but at least I think the truther mistakes are honest ones.

** An analogy. If you go out at night, and point your flashlight at one star, and then take 1 second to point it at another, you cannot say that the electromagnetic light waves have traveled faster than the speed of light. If the stars are separated by 100 light years, nothing physical or even electromagnetic traveled at the speed of 100 light-years/1 sec.

If you define a fictitious speed as "the distance between pointed-to stars divided by the time it took to point from one, to the other", then yeah, sure, this fictitious speed is faster than the speed of light! However, defining speed this way will get an exasperated look from your physics teacher.