Truth Action in New Zealand

Eleventh of the Month street outreach in Wellington, New Zealand.

Report and photos by Helen:

July 10, 2010 Wellington civil information actions for 9/11 truth and justice took place this month at Cuba Mall in Wellington's shopping district on a busy Saturday afternoon. After a week of southerly storms, the weather turned out to be just fine, sunny and no wind. This was one of our most successful actions yet with 6 of us giving away hundreds of Blue Print for Truth 2008 DVDs and flyers. We were there from 1.00 - 3.00 pm. We all had lots of interesting conversations and on the whole people were receptive and open to learning more about 9/11 and the scientific evidence.

We were helped by Mike's wonderful banner and posters which we were able to display to great advantage and our ae911truth banner. Quite a few people commented that they had already received a DVD from us so we felt heartened by our previous work (we have been doing truth action in Wellington every month for over 2 years now).There seems to be a good awareness of 9/11 truth in Wellington NZ! Thanks again to all who contributed and support truth action.

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

Show "Political Equations" by brian78046

Wellington ROCKS! It's a tad cold and windy though:)

For those that do not know little old Wellington had the single biggest 9/11 Truth Lecture event in the history of the movement.

Near on 800 people turned up to see Gage as part of the tour in 2009.

Thanks to the crew there...I love you all and you give me hope of a better world:)

Best John

new poster


I really like the poster. How much ould it cost to have another one made in NZ dollars?


Great work, Wellington crew!

So glad to see 9/11 truth alive and kicking in Aotearoa!

This is wonderful

I love New Zealand.

My dad was from New Zealand.

I went to New Zealand once, in 1990, for a two week holiday.

We drove around the South Island, it was so cool. We saw towering, snow capped mountains and majestic glaciers.

I would really like to go there again some day.

Thanks for posting this.


Great job keep up the good work.

As the Movement thinks of World Peace and Justice...

As the original 9/11 Truth Movement grows and its foot slips into the proper fitting shoe of: "9/11 Truth For World Peace and Justice", just knowing that we folks in the USofA have so many dedicated friends all across the world standing alongside is a wonderful feeling.

Despite AJ's and Libertarians and Ron Paulers fears about some form of a NWO [and acknowledging that this entire group is but a small portion of this nation's body politic], I'll tell you what I think: NWP+J


Sorry AJ, but the world is much bigger than white men with guns from Texas and the Rocky Mountain States and their real objectives rarely expressed.

The World 9/11 Truth Community has far, far broader and much more important goals than what is really driving the Libertarian push in the USofA...a political structure of ME first, ME last and ME in the middle.

Libertarians are but non-sympathetic economic parasites to an existing functional community that has, over the years, collectively created a "commons" that the majority of its citizens agree to keep standing and serving the community IN SPITE of the selfishness within the Libertarian initiatives.

I wish it were 2005 again and the 9/11 Truth Community had "de-politicized" the 9/11 Truth Movement...we would be light years farther ahead of where we are right now. Sooo...

The pictures and information shown by cosmos' worldwide work brings us a reminder of the scope and the importance of our efforts to expose the truth behind 9/11...a reminder that the world doesn't start and stop in Texas...or WDC.

The World 9/11 Truth Community is exactly that...a WORLD COMMUNITY.

Thank you New Zealand and anyone else out there in the World 9/11 Truth make all of our days brighter...

Love, Peace and Understanding

9/11 Truth for World Peace and Justice

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

You guys rock!

Is there a movement in the South Island ? I know people in Christchurch, but nobody is very interested.

cheers (: Hereward

Actions of July 11

Incoming reports

New reports from Edmonton, Oklahoma City, Los Angeles and Malmø Sweden.