Truth Action Ottawa - May 11, 2010 Truth Action and Richard Gage Speaking Event Summary

It's been busy for us the last few weeks! Richard Gage's visit to Ottawa was a huge success. Here are Richard's thoughts of the event as we drove him to the airport, along with a slidshow of some of the pictures that we took while he was in town:

We were able to get him an interview on CKCU FM the morning before his talk at Carleton University, which someone was kind enough to make a YouTube video for:

Many thanks to everyone that made this event a huge success. 9/11 eyewitness David Long went way beyond the call of duty to put up hundreds of posters, to the point of getting blisters from the staple gun!

Then came our enormously successful truth action this past Tuesday, May 11th. We had a great location, great weather and a great turnout. Here is TAO member Leon's first video report (I was finally able to step out from behind the camera):

Here is TAO founder Mark's report with some photographs:

Welcome to Ottawa and welcome to our Truth Action. We have 300 DVDs to give away at Bank and Somerset, a very busy intersection in downtown Ottawa.

New faces! Always good to see. Welcome aboard!

These actions wouldn’t be the same without John and Margaret :) They really bring a lot to the events and it’s always good to see them.

Leon’s back and he volunteered to do our video this month. I can’t wait to see what he does with the footage!

I bought this shirt at the Richard Gage event. I always buy the shirts!

We had people on all four corners which was great to see. Thanks to everyone that showed up.

Christopher Holmes from ZeroPoint Radio. He brought me a paper from Toronto with a whole page dedicated to Richard Gage/David Ray Griffon. I’ll be scanning that and sending it to AE911Truth so they can add it to their archives.

Shawn was here before I was! I remember when no one used to show up. This is great!

Amer bought the shirt too, I see :)

May 11, 2010. From all of us in Ottawa Canada, always keep up the fight.


Well, you are a scurvy looking crew ;-)

Anyway, great work folks. I have blogged a link to your site: and put a link in the left sidebar under Truth Friendly. I like your "About" statement.


I Appreciate the Effort

Keep up the essential work.