Latest installment of GWOT paradigm propaganda

Bin Laden misunderestimated U.S. retaliation to 9/11 - SifyNews

A former bin Laden associate has said that the Al-Qaeda leader did not expect the United States to strike back as hard as it has following the September 11, 2001 attacks.

"What happened after September 11 was beyond their imagination," The New York Post quoted Noman Benotman, who was the head of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in 2000, as having told the WTOP Radio.

Benotman said Al-Qaeda was overly confident based on the U.S. response to the attacks carried out by the group on their embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.

"I'm 100 percent sure they had no clue about what was going to happen," he added. Meanwhile, a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official also backed Bentoman's claims.

"Several captured terrorists have said publicly that Al-Qaeda never expected the towers to fall. Their goal was to frighten people and impact the U.S. economy, so they really didn't plan for the massive response the U.S. launched," the official said.


Well gee, that surely must prove bin Laden was responsible for 9/11 then...

I think..

this is supposed to explain why Al-CIAda would engage in such a suicidal tactic as 911 (obviously the war obsessed US would retaliate with crushing force). The virgins are the supposed explanation for the patsies suicidal tendencies.

"I'm 100 percent sure they had no clue about what was going to happen,"

This is silly, though the idea that OBL and crew are still holding out against the US military is too...

What a ridiculous statement

"Several captured terrorists have said publicly that Al-Qaeda never expected the towers to fall."

Well how could they? How could they possibly expect cave-dwellers from Afghanistan to know about an elaborate plot involving direct airliner hits and rigging the towers with an exotic material like nanothermite, followed up with massive doses of propaganda facilitated through control of all the mainstream media outlets??

Further Reflections From Benotman

Benotman further said Al-Qaeda didn't think they'd get close to even hitting the towers and the Pentagon. Benotman revealed that Al-Qaeda assumed that because NORAD monitored all aircraft flying over American skies, the best the organization could accomplish was to simply crash the airlines into the ground. "They were stupefied," Benotman said of the NORAD no-show. "They couldn't believe their good fortune," Benotman recalled. "Surly, Allah must be on our side," was their feeling.

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC