RDR: Murrah bombing survivor says feds involved in blast that killed 168 in '95/ By Andrew W. Griffin - April 19, 2010


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RDR: Murrah bombing survivor says feds involved in blast that killed 168 in '95
By Andrew W. Griffin - April 19, 2010

Red Dirt Report, editor


OKLAHOMA CITY – While Oklahoma and the rest of the world respectfully remember the 168 people who died in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah federal building here in Oklahoma City, one survivor of the April 19, 1995 blast, Jane Graham, wants her questions about what really happened that day answered once and for all.

Graham, a native of Chicago who was working for the HUD office on the ninth floor of the Murrah building that morning told Red Dirt Report that there were a lot of strange things going on in the weeks leading up to the bombing, things that she shared numerous times with federal agents, things she felt were ignored. This included the presence of maintenance workers she did not recognize, military people in the parking garage and more unusual activity.

But one of the key figures – the bomber himself – Timothy McVeigh, was spotted in the federal building on a number of occasions.

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Windows 95

Great article!

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief DNotice.org
Washington, DC