Forensics Expert with a 9/11 Truth mission lands in court on charges of harassment

Forensics Expert with a 9/11 Truth mission lands in court on charges of harassment

By Nic Corbett/For The Star-Ledger
February 07, 2010, 6:42AM

NORTH CALDWELL-An 82-year-old North Caldwell man who for 1 1/2 years has desperately tried to convince local officials to pass along “evidence” of treason on Sept. 11, 2001 to a New Jersey judge got his day in court last week.

But it was not exactly the forum Don Meserlian wanted. He was there on charges of harassing a borough police captain, filed after he relentlessly pestered the local police department to further his cause.

Meserlian was found guilty Thursday in Fairfield municipal court of telling the officer on a recorded phone line last October, at a point when his frustration boiled over, “I will kick your a**” and “I can beat you any time with one hand tied behind my back.”

“I asked him if that was a threat,” testified Capt. Mark Deuer, “He said, ‘No. That was a promise.’”

Judge Frank Pomaco, suspending the usual fine, ordered Meserlian to pay $39 in court costs and advised him to stop bothering local police since they don’t have jurisdiction to investigate the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.

“I was trying to run a police department on a daily basis, and the constant phone calls are an annoyance,” said Deuer, who’s officer-in-charge until a new police chief is appointed. “It had no other purpose other than to harass me. Normally, he’s polite, but on this day he was not.”

Meserlian, a forensic engineer who’s lived in North Caldwell for 45 years, has appeared before the borough’s governing body several times since September 2008 demanding they pass a resolution that states there’s evidence there were bombs in the World Trade Center towers that went off seconds before the planes hit.

As an act of civil disobedience, Meserlian said he’s kept his property taxes for the past year in an escrow account until the council complies. Borough administrator Joseph Kunz said he owes more than $14,000.

“I’ll pay as soon as they obey the law,” Meserlian said in an interview. “Just remember, the American Revolution was held for the same thing, to overthrow tyranny. You’re about to witness the next American Revolution. Hopefully, it can be done peacefully.”

Acting as his own attorney at the trial, Meserlian was joined by several members of a movement to have a grand jury investigate 9/11, including a New York City freelance writer, Sander Hicks; a voice-over actor and organizer for a group in Wayne called Prosecute Them Now, Stuart
Hutchison; and a Westchester, N.Y., architect, Jeffrey Orling.

Hicks, who self-publishd a book on a 9/11 cover-up, said he admires Meserlian for coming up with a strategy for airing his cause. According to Meserlian’s interpretation of a federal law, any citizen can present evidence of treason in any jurisdiction. Local officials must then make the information available to a state judge, who will pass it along to the correct jurisdiction where a grand jury can be convened. If officials refuse, Meserlian said, they can face up to seven years in prison and a steep fine.

The judge was lenient in letting Meserlian build his case, allowing Hicks and Hutchison to testify over the objections of Fairfield prosecutor Marcella Wilson. But he asked them to keep their remarks limited to Meserlian’s character.

When Wilson asked what was relevant about bringing 9/11 into a case about harassment, Meserlian interrupted, “9/11 is the whole thing. The municipal court is the only place where you can get a fair hearing.”

Meserlian admitted he can be annoying, but that’s only because he’s trying to get the truth out, he said. The judge said he that respects Meserlian has a mission, but North Caldwell is not the right venue to pursue it.

The next day, Meserlian appeared to be pleased with the trial, in spite of losing. He was triumphant about getting to read his interpretation of the treason law.
“Any other judge would not have allowed me to get the testimony in,” he said.
Nic Corbett/For The Star-LedgerDon Meserlian, an 82-year-old forensic engineer, who is trying to get authorities to listen to his 9/11 conspiracy theory.

what an inspiration

Mr. Meserlian deserves our applause and respect. He really put himself out to try and wake people up!
If all of us found similar type scenarios to act out we would have the entire country hearing the truth about 9/11.
He did this in a persistent and logical manner over a long period of time. Folks both at the precinct and in the court house heard the truth about 9/11.
This is way cool
Thanks Mr. Meserlian and also Mr. Hicks and others involved for great Truth Action!

thats why i love this site,

it's like i get a new hero every day. We're talking INSPIRATION baby!

Don Meserlian, you rock! What's relevant? I'll tell you what's relevant.

"9/11 is the whole thing." amen brother

Yesterday that bearded guy in Utah, today Grandpa DonnyM bringin' the treason, representing himself.

I'm just damn proud our movement has such gifted soldiers. Humbled really.

Onward to victory!

DBD, i'm not a plagiarizer,

just a slow typer. when i started typing my comment, had not seen ur use of "inspiration"

very funny/cool...something about like minds. Watching Butler beat MSU is kinda slowing me down but

my challenge to myself now is to use the inspiration productively.

hey bro!

nobody owns words! We both had the same feelings about this dude! and deservedly so.....
He's my hero of the day as well!

A new hero every day

I would be careful with this mentality Camusrebel. All heroes should be vetted over time.

Don't assume that does that for you.

Anybody know a little more about his history and background

as a forensic engineer? This could be a big story.

jon mark and sander hicks are close to him.

he's cantakerous, but no dummy.

bravery to be lauded

Just one question, I thought the people the misprision effort is directed toward are governors and prosecutors. Am I wrong?

Picture caption

The caption they put under his picture I thought was belittling. It read "who is trying to get authorities to listen to his 9/11 conspiracy theory." This article was posted Feb 7, he could have used some help in comments, he got beat up pretty good with few comments that were posted.

peace all

Happy Easter to all as well


Thank You Don!!!!!

You're right, they're wrong. I'm not telling you anything you don't know.

All we can do is keep knocking on the door... sooner or later, it will open.

You Rock!

Well ...

I guess I'll be the first person to officially qualify this as bad press and NOT label this guy a hero.

I don't care how badly you want a new investigation. You don't promise a police captain you're going to kick his ass.

heh...I beat you

Heh, well I think I did beat you to the punch. I was typing while you posted your comment. Good call either way.

sorry he's still my hero.

Any 83 year old guy with enough balls to want to kick this corrupt officials ass and enough brains to get the 9/11 truth out to the public is a DOUBLE hero to me.
Kudos to him!
He's doing real work at a time of life when most of us are sitting in a home drooling on to a bib.

I'm not inspired

I don't feel as inspired as you folks do about this guy.

First off, what about the violent insinuations in this guys argument? I for one will say that I find no inspiration in violence and I do not trust anyone who combines violence and insinuations of violence with the demand for 9/11 Truth.

Secondly, Sander Hicks is not on my list of most trustworthy 9/11 Truth activists. Until recently he's been anti-controlled demolition, even feeling the need to express this anti-CD on the 5th anniversary of the demolition of the WTC complex.

The fact that he testified makes me suspicious of this entire story. Anyone who has followed Sander Hicks knows he's led 9/11 Truth on a few wild goose chases that lead no where. Remember the Pakistani ISI / 100K Wire transfer goose chase? Remember Wild Card / Delmart Vreeland goose chase? Remember the Randy Glass goose chase? And if you don't research anything else....research my favorite Sander Hick's goose chase of all, The Graham Report.

Meserlian was found guilty Thursday in Fairfield municipal court of telling the officer on a recorded phone line last October, at a point when his frustration boiled over, “I will kick your a**” and “I can beat you any time with one hand tied behind my back.”

“I asked him if that was a threat,” testified Capt. Mark Deuer, “He said, ‘No. That was a promise.’”

“Just remember, the American Revolution was held for the same thing, to overthrow tyranny. You’re about to witness the next American Revolution. Hopefully, it can be done peacefully.”

good sentiments

It's nice to say hopefully, but the way we approach our current challenges with a better understanding of nonviolence.,you sacrifice instead of your adversary.

Not harassment

This guy's' "threat" was not harassment. We had a case recently, where charges were thrown out against a guy whose language and ability to cause harm were far more serious than this 80 y.o. gentleman.

Deep breath, please.

Um, exactly, what is the evidence that the gentleman wishes to present?

You're all cheering him but do you actually know what he brings to the table? I don't. There isn't a single word in the artlcle about what this evidence might be. Not a word. And he's been trying to get his "evidence" heard for a year and a half? Anyone heard of him before today? Has he been interviewed by anyone? Has he actually presented his case ANYWHERE?

Yes I've heard of him

I've heard his story via and a while back.


At the link above Hicks was called an "expert witness" who testified in favor of this guy. He probably could shed some light on the evidence you seek. Although I'm not sure what 'expert witness' means in this case. I believe Hicks testified in support of the old mans character and nothing that required any sort of expert analysis.

You really should read Hicks other crazy investigations. Specifically, read Sander's "THE GRAHAM REPORT". This one is about another old man who had a seething distrust and even hate for Arabs. After 9/11 and before he died, he claims to have seen Arab names on brown boxes in a creepy Muslim man's house in Shreveport, LA prior to 9/11/2001.