Guest Opinion: A thousand architects and engineers demand we open our eyes on 9/11- Ashland Daily Tidings

By Ron Hertz
Guest opinion
March 13, 2010

"Shutter Island," Martin Scorcese's nightmarish tale of a hospital for the criminally insane, has become America's favorite movie. The hospital's patients — or convicts — are in a state of denial, refusing to recognize the reality of their gruesome crimes. When it comes to the crimes of 9/11, America seems like "Shutter Island."

At a 9/11 conference held Feb. 19 in San Francisco, the consensus view presented was that those who swallow the government's view of the attacks are denying reality. Several speakers at the gathering, organized by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, explained with powerful evidence and images how the three World Trade Center towers most certainly collapsed with the aid of explosives.


About the newspaper:

Keep hammering them with such OP-ED's!

Ashland Daily Tidings -

The editor of this newspaper is a great friend of 9/11 truth, he introduced Dr. David Ray Griffin when Dr. Griffin was giving his "9/11: Let's Get Empirical" lecture in Ashland in May of 2007.

That lecture was based on Dr. Griffin's book Debunking 9/11 Debunking, is available on dvd from and the lecture tour included stops in Seattle and Portland, in addition to the one given in Ashland.

Dr. Griffin will be lecturing throughout the mid-west and northeast in late April and early May. For details go to:

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

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Yes, at the bottom of the article

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and it was given above but for some reason it doesn't show up as a hyperlink so you have to copy and paste into your browser.

ETA: it looks like somebody fixed the hyperlink problem, after I posted this. Thanks, to whoever did so.

Great letter!

Ron, thanks for writing this. "Shutter Island" is a terrific metaphor; one which may give pause to some who have dismissed the evidence implicating inside involvement.

Dear Bobloblaw44,

Since my account was blocked when I tried to reaccess and discuss the matter with you about "zinc" morphing into nano-thermite, I have one sincere request of you.

Please, please, please, listen to your conscience. May you be blessed if you do.