War on Terror': Prof. Michael Keefer on Perspectives with Barry Shainbaum, Sunday March 7, 12:30 PM EST

Michael Keefer, Professor of English at the University of Guelph, will be making two important presentations this week in Southwestern Ontario, Canada.

He will be live on Perspectives with Barry Shainbaum, Sunday March 7, and will discuss the 'War on Terror'
Time : 12:30 pm EST
Where: Faith FM, 94.3 and streamed live: www.barryshainbaum.com, click on Radio, Faith FM link, Listen Live.

Also, a free public lecture has been organized by the UW 9/11 Research Group (www.uwaterloo911.wordpress.com) which will be hosting Professor Keefer to discuss "Critical Thinking on 9/11 and the 'War on Terror' at the Univeristy of Waterloo this Thursday, March 11, 2010.

Links not working

I get an error message from all of the links, e.g.: "Critical Thinking on 9/11 and the 'War on Terror' " has the link http://www.911blogger.com/freelinking/www.uwaterloo911.wordpress.com

fixing the links

I've submitted blog entries with links before and they worked and for some reason this time, I can't get the links to work. I'd appreciate it if you can see if you can get them to work and would appreciate it you can still publish the info submitted.

I just posted on my blog

I just posted on my blog about the lecture in Waterloo but I didn't know about the one today. Thanks for the heads up. I wish I could be there.

Canada Truth Forums