Military ready to refuse unlawful war orders? US public: 9 to 1 ratio say govt “unrepresentative”

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What can we conclude when our government tyrants threaten war with Iran because the tyrants refuse to sell Iran 1 gram of medical isotopes worth $75,000, and contrive Iran’s legal production of isotopes for nearly one million human beings’ medical procedures as a cause for war?

There are a few rational conclusions:
1.Tell the truth about what’s right in front of us with powerful factual accuracy.
2.Refuse cooperation with evil, and those with arrest powers to exercise them for those who issue unlawful orders.
3.Respectfully ask for the tyrants to surrender power.
4.Offer a choice to the tyrants to either gracefully accept a Truth and Reconciliation process to confess all crimes and return all stolen assets, or face criminal and civil prosecution.

Our military, law enforcement, and government leaders must take a leading role as they have the big guns and can cause political exposure and enforcement of “emperor has no clothes” obvious crimes.

We know the public is overwhelmingly against their political “leadership;” a 9 to 1 ratio report their government has reneged on their Constitutional contract for representative government, as explained in the 2-minute video below. This ratio will obviously climb when the public who still suffer from corporate media propaganda are fully informed of the crimes enacted with their tax dollars and under their flag.

It’s time: exercise your 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech and press, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Please provide this article to all Americans if you find it helpful to stop current and future unlawful wars; including the grave threat of World War III.

Our military was duped into these wars; our trusting young men and women took an Oath to support and defend the US Constitution that supersedes the Nazi insert of “placing the mission first.” The Claus von Stauffenberg faction of US military and government must act to end this soulless, mass-murdering, loveless series of unlawful wars and unlawful orders, if we want a future we’re proud to build.

This choice to refuse and end these wars is up to our men and women in uniform, military and civilian, as well as our government leaders. The public can provide truth and encouragement, but understandably prefer a peaceful end to our fascist “leaders’” Orwellian power rather than the public being forced to take the path of our Founding Fathers.

In this cause, I can provide:
the explanation of the rules of lawful war omitted from their standard military training of what they can and cannot do after war begins.
I can provide analogies that the rules of war are almost exactly like those limiting an individual’s use of self-defense on the street.
I can point out the lies that were known to be lies as our political “leaders” told them and our war-whore corporate media mimicked to propagandize for war in Iraq.
I can show you the speech of Iranian President Ahmadinejad to prove he never threatened Israel.
I can prove that IAEA verifies all of Iran’s nuclear material has only and always been used for legal and peaceful purposes.
I can remind you that you love virtue, American values, and love of your fellow human beings.

And, our men and women in uniform must take action as they see best; as will our men and women in government and citizenry.

Choose well; our collective future, and each of our individual futures, depend upon it.

It's time: please share this article with all who can benefit. If you appreciate my work, please subscribe by clicking under the article title (it’s free). Please use my archive of work to help build a brighter future.

I appreciate your attention to these facts and encourage your further study and action consistent with your own self-expression. My recommendations:

Policy response: Gandhi and Martin Luther King advocated public understanding of the facts and non-cooperation with evil. I’m among hundreds who advocate:
1.Understand the laws of war (and here). These were legislated after WW2 and are crystal-clear that only self-defense, in a narrow legal meaning, can justify war. The current US wars are not even close to being lawful and are legal treason against the US. Those involved with US military, government, and law enforcement have an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution. To fulfill their oath they must immediately refuse all orders associated with unlawful wars and military-related constant violation of treaties, and arrest those who issue unlawful orders. The Oath of Enlistment to the US Constitution supersedes the fascist insertion of Nazi propaganda to "always place the mission first" of blindly following unlawful orders.
2.Employ the obvious and simple solutions to end our economic controlled demolition and evolve to a civil economy. End poverty through global cooperation to achieve the UN Millennium Goals by developed countries investing 0.7% of their income (not that the UN is serious for their accomplishment, but the goals are what we should invest to produce). Support global security through cooperation, dignity, justice, and freedom. Create a US Department of Peace to help.
3.Communicate. Trust your unique, beautiful, and powerful self-expression to share as you feel appropriate. Understand that while many people are ready to embrace difficult facts, many are not. Anticipate that you will be attacked and prepare your virtuous response in the spirit of competition, just as you do in other fields.
4.Prosecute the war leaders for obvious violation of the letter and spirit of US war laws and constant lies to engage in further wars. Because the crimes are so broad and deep, I recommend Truth and Reconciliation (T&R) to exchange full truth and return of stolen US assets for non-prosecution. This is the most expeditious way to understand and end all unlawful and harmful acts. Those who reject T&R are subject to prosecution.

Local perspective: Part of my professional duties as a teacher of economics and government is to produce competent adult citizenry. This includes realization that our nation’s policies and money are managed at a broad community level, and these issues have tremendous local impact. Of course, we all want human beings to be individually successful and enjoy their unique, beautiful and powerful self-expressions. Concurrently, we recognize our commitment to local success is strongly dependent upon the success of the community, and that government policy and economics are drivers.

Our status in early 21st Century human history is that we suffer from a long history in government and money of human interrelationship well-described as vicious antagonism. Governments frequently use war as a foreign policy, despite its illegality and dependent upon public ignorance, with horrific consequences. Economic policy is still created within a “Robber Baron” paradigm to concentrate money to an elite few families. Two examples:

1. National taxes effect you dearly, especially the tax to pay interest on the national debt. This costs the American public over $400 billion every year. This is $4,000 per year for every $50,000 of income. Do the math to understand your household’s tax burden for a monetary policy invented by banks for banks to create our money supply as debt. Your competence in this area contributes to our collective voice to simply shift monetary policy to easily pay the national debt, enjoy full employment, collectively save us over a trillion dollars every year, and finally realize what our brightest American minds have been advocating for centuries beginning with Benjamin Franklin. This would have unprecedented local benefits, and requires collective power to accomplish.
2. Ending poverty everywhere on our planet would cost just 0.7% of our income and save a million children’s lives every month. This human accomplishment will cause unimaginable joy at our local level.

To consider:

"If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone, no nation can live alone and as long as we try, the more we are going to have war in the world. Now the judgment of God is upon us and we must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools."
--Inscription on Dr. Martin Luther King’s statue, Moorehouse College, Atlanta

"The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth, there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world on the day of that great revolution." -- poet Federico García Lorca