Newsweek: Know Your Conspiracy Theories

Newsweek has published a list of what it believes are conspiracy theories. Among them, naturally, is the belief that "9/11 was an inside job":

12. 9/11 was an inside job.
The truthers, holdovers from the Bush days, just won't go away. They argue that the physics of the World Trade Center collapse doesn't add up, and that the attacks were an excuse for the U.S. to launch wars abroad and enrich defense contractors. Either the government planned and executed them or it knew they were coming and turned a blind eye.
Proponents:Alex Jones, retired religion professor David Ray Griffin, Reagan administration policy analyst Barbara Honegger, British journalist Robert Fisk.
Kernel of Truth? Not even the staunchest mainstream George W. Bush bashers believe this one. Enough said.


We cancelled our subscription to Newsweek when Karl Rove became a columnist while he was still under investigation from Seligman . Nuff said.

George Washington's Excellent Reporting on Conspiracies...

Ridicule of Conspiracy Theories Focuses On Diffusing Criticism of the Powerful

There are No Conspiracies Because Daddy Will Always Protect Us

Psychologists and the Mitchell Effect

All can be found on his website and spread to counter the mindsets of these people.

enough said?

The staunchest *mainstream* Bush "bashers" won't mention the Downing Street Minutes because they know they'll lose their jobs.
Even though that was a front page story on the Sunday Times in London, a Rupert Murdoch joint.

Newsweek: a propaganda organ. Enough said.
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
~George Orwell

THAT'S RIGHT. We Are NOT Going Away

TRUE : 9/11 was an inside job.
FACT: They argue that the physics of the World Trade Center collapse doesn't add up,

12. 9/11 was an inside job.
The truthers, holdovers from the Bush days, just won't go away. They argue that the physics of the World Trade Center collapse doesn't add up,

That's exactly right

We won't go away because (much to the chagrin of the reprehensible establishment media propagandists like Newsweek) the facts of the matter won't go away. It's as simple as that. These folks are so arrogant that they believe the truth is what they say it is, and that if they ignore reality, it ceases to be reality.

In other words, with articles like this, 'Newsweek' is essentially demonstrating that they are NOT part of 'the reality-based community' (in the words of Ron Suskind's unnamed Bush administration source).

And what's this about '...holdovers from the Bush days'? As if the truth is just going to pack up and leave just because there's a change in administration?!


Comments on the Article can be placed and read here:

Let's knock 'em down.

Here is mine:

Posted By: Tellstruth @ 02/13/2010 1:06:27 PM

14 NEWSWEEK Conspires to maintain the Status Quo by keeping you in the dark

This much is true:
"The truthers,, just won't go away. They argue that the physics of the World Trade Center collapse doesn't add up, and that the attacks were an excuse for the U.S. to launch wars abroad and enrich defense contractors.

Here are HUNDREDS of Documentary Films for those who want to know.
Highest Rated:
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup (2009):

Loose Change: Final Cut (2007):

Terrorstorm - Special Edition (2007):

Pandoras Black Box - Flight of United 93:

Core of Corruption (2009):

9/11 Ripple Effect (2007):

Confronting the Evidence:

The Explosive Reality:

Fabled Enemies (2008):
9/11 Documentaries

Let's knock 'em down.

Comments on the Article can be placed and read here:

Let's knock 'em down.


I just posted the following comment to the Newsweek puff piece. I urge all others to do the same.

Newsweek….let me say it again. NEWSweek.
Someday this venerable publication needs to explain to the American people why they have printed not one word about the research by physicist Dr. Steven Jones, peer reviewed and supported by many other independent researchers, that of the many 9/11dust samples which have been analyzed, ALL of them contain traces of U.S. military grade nano-thermite explosives. Sounds like NEWS to me.
And while you’re at it, please explain your silence on the work of Richard Gage, AIA, and the 1,000 architects and engineers, who scientifically prove the three WTC buildings could only have been brought down by explosives. Again, sounds like NEWS.
Or maybe there is a reason you never investigated the multiple war games and training exercises conducted in NYC on that day, and which effectively hampered NORAD response. That’s NEWS I would consider important.
Then help me understand your silence on the NEWS that, according to Transportation Secretary Norman Minetta, Dick Cheney tracked flight 77 for more than 15 minutes as it headed to the Pentagon, and took no action to prevent its impact, given the fact that on-site Pentagon defenses would had automatically destroyed any aircraft in Pentagon air space had they not been manually subverted.
Like it or not, these and hundreds of other issues scream for serious investigative coverage, and what do we get from NEWSweek? Silence and puff pieces.
Perhaps some insight on why major corporate media refuses to cover these issues can be found in this quote from David Rockefeller as he addressed the Council on Foreign Relations.
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

Not even the staunchest mainstream George W. Bush bashers believ

Let's clarify...... There is a difference between don't believe, and don't want to believe. The truth hurts but a lie will kill you.

Classic ad hominem attack

No mention of the 1000 architects and engineers...

or assorted professors, intelligence professionals, government officers, etc.


who said George W. Bush had to be part of the conspiracy?

He didn't

but certain high level government people in Washington D.C. and New York City had to be involved to make the cover-up work.

Power used strategically

We need to head over to the commentary page on Newsweek, and inundate them with information. Many people read Newsweek, so, it is an excellent opportunity for us. Also, we need to let EVERY publication know, that if and when they dismiss, insult us, that subscriptionship will suffer.They will no doubt have subscriptions cancelled in mass. We are huge now. It is a power we can use.

Another thing, our numbers, being as large as they are, can be used very strategically. GWB, and Karl Rove used Christianity to sway a substantial percentage (Christians) into going their way. Well, we are that big. The Christian percentage of voters was about a third, as I recall in the 2004 debacle, and we are at least a third of the population now. The fools like the Congress woman who is denying any ponderings of the 9-11-01 questions doesn't even realize that it is to her advantage to wear that hat, questioning the government's explanations.

The most severe form of learning disorders are owned by those that "already know everything."

In reply to;

"12. 9/11 was an inside job.
The truthers, holdovers from the Bush days, just won't go away. They argue that the physics of the World Trade Center collapse doesn't add up, and that the attacks were an excuse for the U.S. to launch wars abroad and enrich defense contractors. Either the government planned and executed them or it knew they were coming and turned a blind eye.
Proponents:Alex Jones, retired religion professor David Ray Griffin, Reagan administration policy analyst Barbara Honegger, British journalist Robert Fisk.."

I don't these particular words are derogatory at al, it is a good explanation of what we are.

It is a lot better than the radiophobe, tin hatter comment I am used to in my regular forum.

This website has been terrific in my plight of sustaining the energy needed to overcome the great hurdle of the resistance to the truth.


The TRUTHFUL name of this long established HI PERP gag is:

NEWS weak...

And the clincher you ask?

Howard Fineman!!!

...not a finer apologist for EVERYTHING defined by corporatocracy and foriegn control-influence...

And if you think that they are NOT removing the KSM trial from both the civil/public courts AND from Manhattan because they have HUGE issues with the 9/11 Truth for World Peace Movement...

...think again...

What happened after the Massoui [sp] trial was very, very hard for the HI PERPS to contain...soooooo...

They won't do that gain...

9/11 TRUTH for World PEACE and JUSTICE

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA


Newsweek = Newspeak.
Irony or intentional?
As in a slyand subtle tip of the hat to Orwell.

Doubt it was intentional

The magazine has been around since 1934--its name emphasizing that it comes out weekly--whereas Orwell's novel '1984' was not published until 16 years later. And if he wanted to get in a dig at a contemporary publication, he likely would have done so with respect to a British publication.

But who knows? Maybe he was familiar with Newsweek.

In any case, the similarity is certainly fitting.


Thanks for the correction.
Sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence.
I guess that would make it ironic:)

Newsweek ...

like all mainstream media corporations, is little more than a mouthpiece of the establishment.

They peddle lies, disinformation and propaganda for the purpose of protecting the interests of the ruling elite and maintaining the status quo ... these organs, like the masters they serve, are completely devoid of honesty, integrity and credibility.

They provide an essential component of the attack against the democratic values of civil society, they are the means by which the public is kept bewildered and confused, they are an instrument for rendering the population permanently distracted, deluded and disempowered.

Mainstream media agencies are corrupt, incompetent and incorrigible ... they should be forcefully rejected, discredited and then ignored.

I'm inclined to

I'm inclined to believe...

that only in utter desperation could any so-called mainstream, professional news organization dare to publish such blatant horse shit.

"But truthfully, I don't really know. We've had trouble getting a handle on Building No. 7."
~Dr. Shyam Sunder - Acting Dir. Bldg. & Fire Research Lab. (NIST)
"We are [still] unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse." (NIST)

great comments orangutan

this newsweek thread is fantastic!

can you post it again?

sigh gone already....

and here's mine...

Your response to "They argue that the physics of the World Trade Center collapse doesn't add up" is only "Not even the staunchest mainstream George W. Bush bashers believe this one. Enough said.," which is no argument at all, merely a sort of ad hominem attack. Certainly there is much more evidence, many would say irrefutable, for this "conspiracy theory" about what happened on 9/11 than the paltry evidence which supports the official government conspiracy theory.

Question submitted by user...

Is David A. Graham, the author of this article, any relation to Donald E.
Graham, CEO of Washington Post Company, the owner of Newsweek, who
attended the 2008 Bilderberg meeting?

Glad you asked, because...

I wouldn't have checked his profile otherwise.

The guy is a freakin' INTERN at Newsweek:

He just graduated from Duke in Islamic Studies.

He also interned at WSJ.

You see, it's that kind of veteran experience that gives him the insight he needs to explain to us which stories are "conspiracy theories."

Sounds about as qualified

as Davin Coburn.

Lol, wow...

Goebbels would be proud of David A. Graham.

Keep hammering him with truth.