Glenn Greenwald: "Fort Hood: A media orgy of rumors, speculation and falsehoods"
Salon - 2009-11-06

Last night, right-wing blogger (and law professor) Glenn Reynolds promoted this media analysis from right-wing blogger (and Los Angeles Assistant District Attorney) Patterico regarding coverage of the Fort Hood shootings. Patterico wrote: "Whenever there is breaking news, it’s good to keep a few things in mind: . . . Always follow Allahpundit" -- referring to one of the two bloggers at Michelle Malkin's Hot Air site.

Upon reading that, I went to Hot Air to read what he had written, and it's actually quite revealing -- not in terms of what it reveals about Hot Air (that topic wouldn't warrant a post) but, rather, what it reveals about major media coverage of these sorts of events. Allahpundit's post consists of a very thorough, contemporaneous, and -- at times -- appropriately skeptical chronicling of what major media outlets were reporting about the Fort Hood attack, combined with his passing along of much unverified gossip and chatter from Twitter, most of which turned out to be false.

It's worth focusing on what the major media did last night, and one can use the Hot Air compilation to examine that. I understand that in the early stages of significant and complex news stories, it's to be expected that journalists will have incomplete and even inaccurate information. It's unreasonable to expect them to avoid errors entirely. The inherently confusing nature of a mass shooting like this, combined with the need to rely on second-hand or otherwise unreliable sources (including, sometimes, official ones), will mean that even conscientious reporters end up with inaccurate information in cases like this. That's all understandable and inevitable.

But shouldn't there be some standards governing what gets reported and what is held back? Particularly in a case like this -- which, for obvious reasons, has the potential to be quite inflammatory on a number of levels -- having the major media "report" completely false assertions as fact can be quite harmful. It's often the case that perceptions and judgments about stories like this solidify in the first few hours after one hears about it. The impact of subsequent corrections and clarifications pale in comparison to the impressions that are first formed. Despite that, one false and contradictory claim after the next was disseminated last night by the establishment media with regard to the core facts of the attack. Here are excerpts from Allahpundit's compilation, virtually all of which -- except where indicated -- came from large news outlets:

Number of shooters

The fact that at least three gunmen are involved already has Shuster and Miklaszewski mentioning similarities to the Fort Dix Six plot on MSNBC . . . two of the gunmen are still at large and one has fired shots at the SWAT team on the scene . . . . New details from CNN: One gunman "neutralized," one "cornered," no word on the third. . . . Whether there are two shooters or three seems to be in dispute at the moment, but there’s certainly more than one: The second shooting on the base evidently occurred at a theater. . . . Fox News says there are reports that the men were dressed in fatigues. . . . MSNBC TV says two shooters are in custody now. . . . it sounds like both shooters are military . . .According to MSNBC, there were three shooters. . . In case you're wondering whether the other two soldiers in custody were actual accomplices or just being questioned because they knew Hasan, Rick Perry just said at the presser he’s holding that all three were shooters. . . . Hearing rumblings on Twitter right now that Perry was wrong and that the two other "suspects" have now been released. Was Hasan, in fact, a lone gunman? . . . . According to the general conducting the briefing going on right now, he appears to be a lone gunman.

The fate of the shooter

One of the shooters is dead. . . One is dead, two more are in custody. Has there ever been a case of "battle stress" that involved a conspiracy by multiple people? . . . So poor and fragmented have the early media reports about this been that only now, after 9 p.m. ET, do we learn that ... Hasan’s still alive. He’s in stable condition.

The weapons used

M-16s involved: . . . From the local Fox affiliate, how it all went down. Evidently McClatchy’s report of M-16s was wrong:

The shooter's background

According to Brian Ross at ABC, Hasan was a convert to Islam. . . . Contra Brian Ross, the AP says it’s unclear what Hasan’s religion was or whether he was a convert. . . . Apparently, one of Hasan’s cousins just told Shep that he’s always been Muslim, not a recent convert. . . .

I’m hearing on Twitter that Fox interviewed one of his neighbors within the last half-hour or so and that the neighbor claims Hasan was handing out Korans just this morning. Does anyone have video? . . . . "Brenda Price of KUSJ reported to Greta at 10:33: 'also, the latest I am hearing, this morning, apparently according to his neighbors, he was walking around kind of giving out his possessions, giving away his furniture, handing out the Koran...'" . . .: Evidently CNN is airing surveillance footage from a convenience store camera taken this just morning showing Hasan in a traditional Muslim cap and robe. . . "A former neighbor of Hasan’s in Silver Spring, Md. told Fox News he lived there for two years with his brother and had the word ‘Allah’ on the door."

Miscellaneous claims

Good lord — there’s a report from BNO News on Twitter that new shooting is being heard on the base. . . . For what it’s worth, an eyewitness report of Arabic being shouted during the attack: . . .Federal law enforcement officials say the suspected Fort Hood, Texas, shooter had come to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats. . . . The $64,000 questions: What was he doing at Fort Hood among the population if he thought suicide bombers were heroes?

Isn't it clear that anyone following all of that as it unfolded would have been more misinformed than informed?

The New York Times' Robert Mackey did an equally comprehensive job of live-blogging the media reports, and his contemporaneous compilation reflects many of these same glaring errors in the coverage: "CNN reports that two military sources say that the second gunman at Fort Hood is 'cornered' . . . Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison told Fox 4 News in Texas that one shooter was in custody and 'another is still at large' . . . CNN’s Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reports that 12 people have been killed and up to 30 wounded. One of the dead is said to have been one of the gunmen. . . . Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, just revealed that earlier reports that the suspected gunman, Major Nidal Hasan, had been killed were incorrect. Major Hasan was wounded but remains alive."

Perhaps most irresponsible of all is the unverified claim that Hasan had written on the Internet in defense of suicide attacks by Muslims, even though the origins of those writings are entirely unverified. Similarly, certain news organizations -- like NPR -- used anonymous sources to disseminate inflammatory claims about Hasan's prior troubles allegedly grounded in activism on behalf of Islam. Much of this may turn out to be true once verified, or it may not be, but all of the conflicting, unverified claims flying around last night enabled many people to exploit the "facts" they selected in order to create whatever storyline that suited them and their political preconceptions -- and many, of course, took vigorous advantage of that opportunity.

I'm obviously ambivalent about the issues of media responsibility raised by all of this. It's difficult to know exactly how the competing interests should be balanced -- between disclosing what one has heard in an evolving news story and ensuring some minimal level of reliability and accuracy. But whatever else is true, news outlets -- driven by competitive pressures in the age of instant "reporting" -- don't really seem to recognize the need for this balance at all. They're willing to pass on anything they hear without regard to reliability -- to the point where I automatically and studiously ignore the first day or so of news coverage on these events because, given how these things are "reported," it's simply impossible to know what is true and what isn't. In fact, following initial media coverage on these stories is more likely to leave one misled and confused than informed. Conversely, the best way to stay informed is to ignore it all -- or at least treat it all with extreme skepticism -- for at least a day.

The problem, though, is that huge numbers of people aren't ignoring it. They're paying close attention -- and they're paying the closest attention, and forming their long-term views, in the initial stages of the reporting. Many people will lose their interest once the drama dissolves -- i.e., once the actual facts emerge. Put another way, a large segment of conventional wisdom solidifies based on misleading and patently false claims coming from major media outlets. I don't know exactly how to define what the balance should be, but particularly for politically explosive stories like this one, it seems clear that media outlets ought to exercise far more restraint and fact-checking rigor than they do. As it is, it's an orgy of rumor-mongering, speculation and falsehoods that play a very significant role in shaping public perceptions and enabling all sorts of ill-intentioned exploitation.

Skepticism should last for more than one day

When trying to sort through the conflicting accounts that come out initially in the reporting of events like this, be skeptical, because you don't know which may turn out to be baseless rumor, idle speculation, or something that gets distorted through the informational chain before it reaches the public. Greenwald is right about that.

But where he is mistaken (and disappointingly so, particularly in view of his excellent dissections of media coverage relating to the anthrax attacks) is his implied view that once the media has settled into its consenus view of what happened a day or so later, then we no longer need to be as skeptical as we were when the reports were more varied. The shift from earlier, conflicting reports to a later consensus version is not necessarily a progression from less true to more true. When the story changes, it is proper to ask if the press and its official sources had sound reason for doing so. Regarding those parts of inital reports later said to be untrue (or simply unacknowledged altogether), it is fitting to ask why they were reported in the first place. Is it necessarily the case (as Greenwald seems to assume) that they were the result of journalists irresponsibly passing along what turned out to be baseless rumors? Or did they have actual sources? And which sources? Had any been willing to go on record in providing their information about what was going on? What made them believe that what they had initially told reporters was true? Do they now accept the consensus version that it wasn't true? Or were they knowingly spreading false information from the outset?

In particular, I would like to know who the sources were for reports of other men being taken into custody, and what the basis for their information was. And I would like to know the source of the claims (how accurate? can we yet say?) regarding what Hasan had posted on the internet.

a plea

Yes, scepticism should last more than one day, and later reports are not necessarily better, as we've learned through our study of 9/11. In fact, the earliest reports are extremely important. While I don't expect everyone to have the time and interest to look into the Fort Hood killings, I hope some people will. I especially want to emphasize the importance of early TV coverage. I'm no good at finding this stuff, downloading it, and making sure it is preserved and publicly accessible. I hope someone with the appropriate skills will undertake this urgent task.

It was reported quite early

It was reported quite early on that Major Hassan had suffered harrassment from his peers,even hiring an attorney to sort it out.Now we know who the 13 dead are and staggeringly 39% of them were Major Hassans peers.

Capt. John Gaffaney, 56, was a psychiatric nurse.

Major L. Eduardo Caraveo, 52, was a trained psychologist.

Michael Grant Cahill, a 62-year-old doctors' assistant, helped treat soldiers returning from tours of duty or preparing for deployment.

Capt. Russell Seager, 51, of Racine, Wisconsin, was a psychiatrist.

Lt Col Juanita Warman, 55, was a military physician.

Instead of flying off at tangents shouldn,t the investigation be looking at the most obvious motive first.The man had a beef with his peers and 39% of the dead were his peers who were all white and all over 50 years old.Acts of random terrorism does not involve profiling your victims.

Just Like 9/11, The Story Makes No Sense

One-hundred rounds were fired from two hand guns, one of which was not a semiautomatic? Sorry, but that doesn't add up. While Hasan was reloading the semiautomatic, he would have been tackled. Unless the targets were pinned down by other shooters. If you put on your Columbo hat for a moment, you should be scratching your head just about now!

To believe the media/government's account is to belief that our military personnel are cowards!

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC

"Hasan allegedly shot 55 people at the Army base"- plus Zelikow

McClatchy, Nov 12: "Hasan allegedly shot 55 people at the Army base on Nov. 5, killing 13 of them."

Texas Observer, Nov 11: "allegedly shot 55 men and women."

55?? Previously, media were saying 13 dead and 30-31 wounded, and claiming the 38 figure was due to a misunderstanding at a Congressional briefing. Even with 38, that comes out to 51 shot. Where'd the new figure come from- a WEEK later???

"I was startled," said Philip Zelikow, who was the executive director of the bipartisan commission that investigated the 2001 terrorist attacks. "Awlaki is a 9-11 loose end. ... It should have set off some questions."

HMMM...I'm just sayin...these guys could be that good...

...Obama is dragging his feet on sending more troops into Afghanistan...

...US citizenry have pertinent and unemotional questions about committing more troops to Afghanistan...

...before 9/11, the US citizenry had no desire to commit troops to either Afghanistan nor Iraq...

...after 9/11, the US citizenry was "cranked up" and lied into supporting yet another unpopular war...

...this "terrorist" appears to be a Muslim...

...have to have something-someone-some country to "hate/fear" in order to support a warring action...

...there seems to have been much historical evidence that should have had the military/intel take action regarding this fellow BEFORE this event happened...

...this fellow was born in Palestine...

...the 9/11TM had been doing a respectable job at beating back Islamophobia and biases... time has elapsed since 9/11, Islamophobia and fears of terrorism had begun to diminish...

...the US military / Intel are LONG skilled and experienced at creating "patsies" to be used when needed... now appears that there is a third party, or a few parties, trying to get the Christian world and the Muslim world into a long term battle...

...after all, the Pentagon lost its former "evil empire" when the USSR went down and it needs new justification for its military-intel budgets...

...Clinton was due to enact "The Peace Dividened"...then TW800...then re-escalation of military funding...

...aparently, this fellows' "Jack Ruby" didn't get the job done...

...the investigation and/or trial will be conducted by the military and of course, we WILL be told the truth...right?

As we in the 9/11TM are fully aware, the Military/Security Complex is a heartless empire that does not care who, how, when, how many or where anyone outside their ruling class gets killed...only that they serve their empire building process...and that the event is very, very public and serves as a mass psy-op...

I'm just sayin'...these guys may indeed actually be THAT good!

9/11 TRUTH for World PEACE

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

New Lies for Old


I'm with you on not buying the official Hasan story, however, if you are in contact with persons such as Barbara Honegger (or others with knowledge like hers), ask about what is going on in the "former" USSR.

The primary purpose for 9/11 was to surround Russia and China, and control the supply of oil. Of course it's a stupid plan (even if China is kicked out of Sudan, Burma and South America, Russia will step in and provide oil to its new ally...China. Actually, the Sino/Soviet split was a fraud! A part of the Soviet Union's/Chinese long-term strategic plan against the West.)

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC

I will... Barbara...I have a few other questions too...

Not sure that your firm view of "why" anything that happened in that region is all that dependable for interperatation ...there are so many layers of so much crapolla that sometimes it takes a while to separate stuff out...

I THINK...that you actually support my point that after the USSR fell [known to be on the way to happen 20 or so years before it did], the Pentagon SIMPLY HAD TO FIND a new enemy to replace the now defunct "evil empire"...the USSR...and did so by selecting Islam...

A win-win-win...a new BIG terrorist enemy...that coincided with Israel's fears...and BIG BUCKS for the USofA's Military-Intel-Security Industraial Complex... [MISIC]

9/11 TRUTH for World PEACE


USSR is still there


the "collapse" of the USSR was a part of the Soviet Union's long-term strategic plan against the West. That is why NATO never disbanded and why the electorate of the "former" 15 Soviet republics continue to "elect" "former" communists as their presidents, including a former KGB officer--Vlad Putin.

You don't think the United States government took the word of Gorbachev as true?

Again, Barbara will clear this up for you. In the meantime read Anatoliy Golitsyn's New Lies for Old (or his second book):

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC

Dean, thanks for the info and leads...

The Pentagon can't get funding or begin engaging in wars without the public agreeing for this to happen...even if lied to about it. So, the truth is rarely sitting in citizen's we continuously discover in the 9/11TM.

So, the majority of my approach to the events of 9/11 and the 9/11TM is to see 9/11 as a "looking glass" with which an average citizen can get an easier chance to see the levels of, and the depths of, corruption of the US THEIR COUNTRY...and hope that they might want to make a change.

The "replacement of public and fearful enemies" regarding the former USSR and its fearsome existence in the minds of citizens, with "fearing Islam" is a very, very effective way to inform the average person about the Military Indistrial Complex's long term processes of budget justification for the Pentagon.

I operate from the known to the unknown and hope that natural curiosities of citizens will steer them to find out more on their the web or videos or books etc. Just the way I am conducting my pulic political activisms...

9/11 TRUTH for World PEACE

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

Why Would The 9/11 Truth Movement Trust Gorbachev/Putin?


The phony "War on Terror" is a cover for the conflict still going on between Communism and the United States (and Great Britain). See my June 3 article "The World Trade Center Attacks in Perspective" for more on this subject.

To the 9/11 Truth Movement in general I merely ask that persons within the movement familiarize themselves with Anatoliy Golitsyn. One doesn't have to become an expert on Golitsyn, just know the basics. As we in the Truth Movement know, the official story behind 9/11 is a lie. Therefore I posit the question why would you trust anything "former" communists out of the Soviet Union have to say on the subject of the collapse of the USSR? I also posit the question why would you trust anything the American government has to say on the subject of the collapse of the USSR?

And bring our troops home to protect the Republic.

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC

I do not trust ANYTHING that my government tells me... weakness is that I automatically DISTRUST anything that my government I have to have discussions with myself to triple check information and conclusions.

I'm all about getting the public to stand-up and be counted. The problem is that the average citizen and their offspring have been DELIBERATELY...under and mal-informed for decades now.

The 9/11TM has leaped DECADES ahead of the above noted mal-informed average citizen...and its THIS dichotomy that is so frustrating to so many of us Truthers...and why some of us break down in angst and call uninformed people SHEEPLE...which is my only real complaint about Rudkowski's, Alex Jones' and WAC's approaches to solution. This an important point to consider.

The mal-informed citizens noted above are NOT unintelligent...they have simply been presented with lies, mistruths, manipulated information, dis-information, hype, and carefully constructed abstracts that they cannot see at all. They have NOT been presented with some realities of their government's behaviors as the 9/11 Truth Movement has discovered.

Peeling the 9/11 actually peeling all the lies and AIPAC-corporate-military-financial control of our government.

We can have all the EXACT data and information that we want...but if simple step-by-step information, and suggested behaviors to make some changes, do not make it TO THESE VERY CITIZENS...then nothing will happen except that we talk amongst our "more well informed selves"...and...

THAT's EXACTLY...what the peace movements have degenerated into doing and being...talking only to their diminished selves...and CONSTANTLY doing the very same things that no longer work!

So, in response to you and Victronix-Jim...and deeply respectfully so...its gonna take a village and a wide variety of villagers doing what they uniquely do to make the 9/11 Truth Movement actually work and become successful...long term.

9/11 TRUTH for World PEACE

Robin Hordon
Kingston, WA

I remember listening to Alex Jones

around the time of the Virginia Tech shootings, and he claimed such shootings would not happen if the students and profs were allowed to carry guns on campus. Fort Hood seems to prove the lie in that statement, since one person managed to shoot about 50 people on a military installation, which presumably means most of the people walking around are armed and trained to use their arms.

"seems to prove the lie"

Seems a strange turn of phrase, I guess it doesn't mean Jones knew it would be possible. Obviously everyone carrying a gun wouldn't stop gun crime, but wouldn't a 'crazy shooter' be more likely to get shot before he kills many other people?

For what it's worth, Arnaud de Bochgrave seems to think they were unarmed (or at least some were):

"Shouting "God is great" — "Allahu Akhbar" — as he opened fire on unarmed American soldiers, Hasan was merely emulating what Muslims cry out as they charge into battle."

Virginia Tech Is A Common Link Here

When I was in the military back in 1981 military personnel didn't wear firearms on their person. If one were undergoing basic training, M-16s were stored in an armory at the days end. The only persons one would see carrying firearms were the MPs. If military personnel had been carrying firearms (and that would only be officers who are allowed to have side arms), then whatever happened at Fort Hood would have seen much less loss of life! Currently, military personnel do NOT carry fire arms.

As for Alex Jones and his Virginia Tech statement, his logic is, of course, correct.

Now, as far as Virginia Tech is concerned EMS affirmed that their was a stand down there. The police also said that they were told to do nothing until the FBI arrived on the scene. Of course, a shooting at a university is not an incident that the FBI is mandated to involve itself. That is the responsibility of the local police authorities. See below link for the Federal stand down order:

Isn't it also interesting that the Virginia Tech psychiatrist who was seeing Cho took Cho's file home BEFORE Cho went on a shooting spree:

Gues where Dr. Hasan got his Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry from? That's right, Virginia Tech!

Dean Jackson/Editor-in-Chief
Washington, DC

Guns and ammo

are actually locked down tight on military bases. That's why it took civilian police officer to take him down.

No 2nd Amendment on military reservations


that's the way I remember it at Fort Benning.

I would expect "multiple shooters" on a military base. Duh.

The place is stocked full of weapons. Some must have returned fire at Hassan. The SWAT and media would not immediately know who is whom. This is an obvious mistake that should be expected.


extra shooters

Sure, it could be that the extra shooters referred to early on were people trying to stop Hasan. But we can't assume this. Look at the RFK events. The point is not just that there were people other than Sirhan Sirhan doing the shooting. The point is that the fatal shot to RFK was delivered by someone other than Sirhan Sirhan. One to two inches from the head, behind the right ear as I recall. The autopsy report is very clear on this.