We Are Change Boston. Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson asked about Obamas reaction to 9/11 questions

We Are Change Boston. Dan Balz and Haynes Johnson asked about Obamas reaction to 9/11 questions


"[Obama] wants to move on and do the other things on HIS agenda"

First, excellent calmness and steadiness in questioning these fellas. Excellent.

The content of the responses.....

"[Obama] wants to move on and do the other things on HIS agenda...."

Uh, excuse me, what happened to justice in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave?

"You could argue that we should have an accountability.......NOT so much as throwing people in jail......."

Uh, excuse me, if specific people are indeed found culpable (e.g., Richard B. Cheney), why WOULDN'T he or she be thrown in jail?

"[Obama] has made himself pretty clear to the unhappiness of a lot of people....."

Yes, and that's why he will not be re-elected in 2012 and Congress will once again turn predominantly Republican.

If 9/11 is not resolved and unraveled, America unfortunately will continue down a very dark path.


Obama is a stooge put in by the Elite NWO boys. He wouldn't touch 9/11 with a 10 foot pole. Our best bet is to forget Obama and all his men and attack from a different angle that would have to bring in 9/11. We must start at a grass roots level. Perhaps with the economy and the so called federal reserve. Just a thought. By the way Obama's agenda is a NWO period.

Really nice.

Great approach.