Cynthia McKinney, Niels Harrit, Annie Machon, Giuletto Chiesa - October 10, 2009 - Paris

This looks to be a very interesting night in Paris.

is there a tract explanatory on this event ?

Herblay FRANCE

bonsoir ,
unfortunately due to the mainstream media block out, few people in France know who these people are and what they have done for the truth, ...

Is there a tract explanatory on this event in French in .pdf and downloadable that we can give out ?

Preferably using the least printer ink as possible.



This Looks to be a Great Event! Nice Venue

Founded in activism

It IS a great place, founded in activism... It also has got great spaces to continue the discussions amongst the willing after the main event which will be held in the Loft. I heard there's a Truth Action event on Sunday, since it's Oct 11, in central Paris. Spread the word.