DENVER POST HIT PIECE: KBDI pushes limits on controversial pledge tie-ins Joanne Ostrow 08/21/2009

KBDI pushes limits on controversial pledge tie-ins
Joanne Ostrow
The Denver Post
Posted: 08/21/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT

A man stops to read an informational poster at the site of the World Trade Center. Last weekend, during a pledge drive, KBDI-Channel 12 aired controversial documentaries promoting conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11. (New York Times file photo )

KBDI-Channel 12 has a reputation for broadcasting bold, distinctive documentaries. Just where to draw the line between bold/distinctive and kooky/irresponsible is a matter of opinion.

Last weekend, during a pledge drive, Channel 12 aired controversial documentaries promoting conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 and claiming taxes are unlawful. Answering the phones during the pledge drive were conspiracy believers who reportedly encouraged callers to believe.

The station received complaints over "America: Freedom to Fascism" along with " 9/11: Press for Truth" and " 9/11: Blueprint for Truth." It also fielded requests for more.

The claims made in "Freedom to Fascism," namely that the country is evolving into a police
state ruled by a powerful elite that has tricked Americans into paying taxes, have been refuted by facts, notably in a lengthy New York Times piece last month.

I'm with the viewer who cancelled his KBDI membership and wrote, "What's next on the KBDI hit list, films about President Obama being a citizen of Kenya or about how health-care reform wants to kill your grandmother?"

It's nothing new for KBDI to staff the phone banks during pledge drives with supporters of whatever is on the air. Conservationists have been recruited to answer phones during nature broadcasts. Still, the arrangement raises questions about whether the station is making deals with interest groups to carry programming in exchange for pledge support.

A KBDI spokeswoman said, "Phone bank people are instructed not to get into debates whatever the issue. We can find people to staff our phone banks without making deals."

Shari Bernson, Channel 12's membership director, selects documentaries for airing. Her goal, she said, is to provide a forum for expression of different points of view and to air things the other stations won't. "It hasn't been easy with this content," she said.

" 9/11: Pressed for Truth" was one of KBDI's top five fundraisers in the past year. The station plans encores of the 9/11 docs in September.

"I am not a 9/11 truther," Bernson volunteered. But her research found 43 percent of Americans have questions about what actually happened on 9/11. As far as fundraising goes, "Our mission is airing programming outside the mainstream."

The station knows controversy fuels fundraising. Fully 32 percent of the station's budget comes from pledges.

Joanne Ostrow: 303-954-1830 or

"Just where to draw the line

"Just where to draw the line between bold/distinctive and kooky/irresponsible is a matter of opinion."

Fortunately the station realized there's nothing "kooky/irresponsible" about showing these 2 films. Nor are they going to be blackballed into stopping in the future.

"Answering the phones during the pledge drive were conspiracy believers who reportedly encouraged callers to believe."

Truthers never ask ANYONE to "believe," woman. We do ask people to look at the evidence, which in most cases is evidence they're not at all familiar with. See my sig quote. It's OCT supporters who "believe" stupid bullshit.

The station received complaints over "America: Freedom to Fascism" along with " 9/11: Press for Truth" and " 9/11: Blueprint for Truth." It also fielded requests for more.

How about some ratio perspective here? I seem to remember here on blogger that the station was receiving so many thank you notes that we were overwhelming their staff! Are you implying a 50-50 ratio, or were there, say, 15 complaints versus 1500 thank you's?

The claims made in "Freedom to Fascism," namely that the country is evolving into a police state ruled by a powerful elite that has tricked Americans into paying taxes, have been refuted by facts, notably in a lengthy New York Times piece last month.

Please enlighten us as to these facts. Oh that's right, sorry I'm blaspheming against the Myth Of American Exceptionalism. I forgot; only OTHER countries are susceptible to evolving into police states. The idea of America turning into a police state is wacko on its face because we are the best thing to happen to humanity since sliced bread. I'm sooo sorry, I stand refuted. New York Times, I love you, you bastion of korporate trooth!

"I am not a 9/11 truther, BUT...."

Translation: "Oh, god, I'd rather be forced to strip naked in front of male soldiers at Abu Graib than be thought of by someone as a conspiracy theorist!!! Oh, the shame and stigma of that label!!!"

Thanks for leaving your phone number. You'll be hearing from me.

"We believe that the NIST investigation and the resulting NIST report are valid and credible.” - Mr. Marvin J. Malecha, President, American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Right on

Adam. Let's take off the kid gloves with these character assassins.

Joanne Ostrow: 303-954-1830 or

Joanne Ostrow: 303-954-1830 or

I just hope this article stirs some interest......... KBDI.

The author is an idiot, of course.

That trusty old tactic

'...aired controversial documentaries promoting conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11.'

Whereas there'd be no problem at all if they would only shove the one authorized conspiracy theory down our throats like all the other media outlets do.

Let's give her some comments to count?

Just sent my email! Ostracized?

I think it is important to give...

... reasoned feedback to MSM reporters.

Typically, discussion with them ends quickly, even in less controversial topics than 911, insofar as in-depth analysis is required (and which is typically lacking in their articles).

Still, I think that as many people as possible should write - always constructively - to MSM journalists when needed, so that they would see that there are a lot of people who have really looked more deeply into things.

If nothing else, that might cause the laziest of the reporters to feel momentary shame or embarrassment.

Denver Post Ethics Policy

The Denver Post is owned by Media News Group whose big boss is William Dean Singleton.

The Denver Post website features their ethics policy and introductory text by the Editor, Greg Moore. It would be interesting to analyze Joanne's article to see how well it aligns their policy.
Here are some excerpts from

What follows is The Denver Post ethics policy. It is the product of months of work by reporters and editors on the staff to develop shared guidelines and principles by which we conduct ourselves. We believe it is important to share this policy with the public, so that you better understand the standards we live by. At the end of the day we want to be able to say we did our jobs honestly and fairly and are beholden to no one in the process. I know you will do your part to hold us accountable.

Greg Moore



As journalists, we seek the truth and strive to present a responsible and fair glimpse of the world. The newspaper is our powerful vehicle, and we endeavor to face the public with respect and candor.

Our power must be used responsibly. Our notebooks and cameras are tickets into people's lives, sacred worlds and complex institutions.

Our job is to intensely scrutinize the activities of others as watchdogs that challenge authority and give voice to the voiceless. Our own actions should withstand equally intense scrutiny. We should be transparent.

Transparency is won through accuracy, compassion, intellectual honesty and an introspective mission to convey complete, contextual views of our world. When we are transparent, we conduct our professional lives as if all our colleagues and our readers are watching over our shoulders.

Our goal is to begin and end each day with a primary obligation to the public's right to know.


Nailing our stories can be as simple as phoning three people - or as grueling as spending months chiseling away the nonessential, the rumor, the red herrings.

Our aim is to deliver the facts with precision and context.

We believe in getting not only both sides, but "all" sides.

The best stories are multi-sourced. Facts are triple-checked. Issues are balanced with diverse views and sources.

They are, simply, as complete as possible.

Pre-publication Review

Stories should not be shown to sources or people outside the newsroom prior to publication.

However, it is sometimes acceptable to allow a source to review portions of stories for purposes of accuracy. For example, an engineer might be sought to review a technically descriptive passage in an environmental story that details how sewer piping allows toxic chemicals to flow into public waters.

Such exceptions should be approved beforehand by the Managing Editor/News.

How Nice Can I Say This To Joanne Ostrow

When the student is ready the teacher will come.

Dear Joanne Ostrow,
From reading your article about KBDI Channel 12 you evidently believe the official government account of 9/11 because you state that KBDI Channel 12 is promoting conspiracy theories about 9/11. What you fail to realize is the government's official account is in itself a conspiracy theory only its a conspiracy theory that's not supported by facts. In others words, the facts don't support the official theory. The real issue here is whether or not a particular theory is supported by the facts. I'm sure if you look deeper into the facts about 9/11 by spending some quality time researching the facts about 9/11 you might realize you'll have to reevaluate your thought processes. If you decide to do this quality research you will probably find the video of Building 7 crashing down in about 6.5 seconds into the greatest path of resistance. You'll also probably find out that no plane hit this building. If you still believe the official government account of why this building crashed to the ground I'm afraid there's no hope for you until you tighten the screws in your head that are malfunctiing your thought processes.

I Received An E-mail Response From Joanne Ostrow

When the student is ready the teacher will come.

Hello Truthseekers & Truthtellers,
I just received this e-mail response from Joanne Ostrow:

I have not taken a particular stand on the government account of 9/11. I, too, find the building 7 issue unnerving.

I write only as an entertainment reporter.
As a TV critic, my concern is the fundraising of KBDI. I tried to say that it is a matter of personal opinion whether these are bold documentaries or nutty theories.

Sorry you took offense.



From: Matthew Naus []
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:49 AM
To: Ostrow, Joanne
Subject: KBDI Channel 12 Promoting 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Dear Joanne Ostrow,

After reading your article I'm going to try and be as respectful as I can possibly be but it won't be easy.
From reading your article about KBDI Channel 12 you evidently believe the official government account of 9/11 because you state that KBDI Channel 12 is promoting conspiracy theories about 9/11. What you fail to realize is that the government's official account is in itself a conspiracy theory only its a conspiracy theory that's not supported by facts. In others words, the facts don't support the official theory. The real issue here is whether or not a particular theory is supported by the facts. I'm sure if you look deeper into the facts about 9/11 by spending some quality time researching the facts about 9/11 you might realize you'll have to reevaluate your thought processes. If you decide to do this quality research you will probably find the video of Building 7 (47 stories tall) crashing down in about 6.5 seconds (free-fall speed) into the greatest path of resistance. You'll also probably find out that no plane hit this steel-framed building. If you still believe the official government account of why this building crashed to the ground I'm afraid there's no hope for you until you tighten the screws in your head that are malfunctioning your thought processes. Please don't take offense to that last sentence believe me that's as easy as I can be with you.

Take Care Matt

Founder of: Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth

P.S. I have close to 650 people signed up from all 50 states and all walks of life that have taken a stand for 9/11 Truth. They reject the the official government account of 9/11 and call for a real independent 9/11 investigation. Now I realize this is a small amount of people compared to the 300 million people that live in the United States . I'm just a retired school teacher who took the time to do quality research about 9/11 and started my own website to promote these truthful facts about 9/11 and help wake up other citizens to the deceptions given by the official government account. Keep in mind though that our controlled mainstream media has not given the American people a fair and balanced view of fact driven opposing theories about 9/11 so many millions of people who have a habit of just watching mainstream media for their news are getting a very heavy dose of the official government account. Those people that are curious and use critical thinking skills usually look deeper for their facts and find proven facts which are on alternative media sources such as KBDI Channel 12, books, magazines, alternative newspapers, eyewitness accounts and from whistleblowers.

Isn't that interesting?

Maybe now that she's gotten an earful of replies she's re-analyzing per position?

Her response also affirms how much control people have when they're at the top.

"We believe that the NIST investigation and the resulting NIST report are valid and credible.” - Mr. Marvin J. Malecha, President, AIA

Just sent this off by e-mail...

Dear Joanne Ostrow:

Your recent article on KBDI's airing of documentaries critical of the government's accounts of 9/11 is not only an example of irresponsible journalism, but of propaganda.

In your article you refuse to meaningfully address any of the subject matter of the documentaries on 9/11 shown by KBDI. Perhaps it is because you sense, somewhere deep down, that you will prove unable to competently refute the claims made in these challenging and highly professional presentations? Indeed, what other reason could there be for someone who, occupying the position of journalist, ignores the stunning details laid out in these clearly sourced and carefully reasoned investigative accounts of 9/11?

I was born and raised in Colorado. My parents and family still live and farm in the state. They were among those deeply gratified by KBDI's commitment to REAL journalism, Ms. Ostrow, enough so to donate to the station. Judging from your own article, they were not alone. Had you exhibited anything other than contempt for your readership, for journalistic integrity, and for the very truth about such matters of staggering moral importance as 9/11, you might have bothered to critically address at least a few of the central claims made in these documentaries, rather than smear KBDI (and by extension the millions of people who do in fact care about these issues) with the broad if intellectually sleazy brush of invective.

Meanwhile, on the subject of the federal income tax, Ms. Ostrow, one challenge: can you please point out the law which requires individuals in the United States to pay it?

Until you prove able to actually take on the competent and accomplished professionals who appear in the 9/11 documentaries you so ignorantly deride, you will not merit the designation of journalist and will remain a propagandist. A shill, Ms. Ostrow, for forces you may well be too morally incompetent even to recognize. Additionally, in failing at your duty within our nation to act as a worthy member of the "fourth estate," you will retain the stain of 9/11 blood on your hands, which only an earnest commitment to the truth about that horrible event (whatever it turns out to be) might wash away.

If you are indeed interested in competent critical analysis of 9/11, I recommend you start by reading David Ray Griffin's detailed and meticulously reasoned books on the matter, THE NEW PEARL HARBOR and THE NEW PEARL HARBOR REVISITED, distinct volumes which should bring you up to speed on a matter you have so loathsomely and shamefully misapprehended in your asinine article.

Most sincerely,

Tom Breidenbach
Brooklyn, NY

Interaction with Joanne...


What or Who's limits are you talking about in your title to your article about KBDI airing political documentaries.
"KBDI pushes limits on controversial pledge tie-ins" (8/21/09)


Thanks for your email, [Orangutan]. As you know, newspaper writers don’t write the headlines. I assume the editor who authored that headline was using the term “push the limits” in its colloquial form.
