Announcing Sibel Edmonds' Podcast With Co-Host Peter B. Collins

I asked Sibel if I could be a guest, and she said, "of course!" so we'll see. Good luck Sibel. I hope this makes the impact you are hoping for. - Jon



I am pleased to announce the launch of my Podcast show, ‘The Boiling Frogs.’

This site will present two in-depth interviews per month, one-hour each, with well-respected and controversial guests. My guest list will include:

  • Investigative reporters
  • Authors with controversial and bold track records
  • Courageous and legitimate whistleblowers
  • Well-respected academic and legal experts on our relevant issues

...and maybe even a few guests from the other side whom we have bashed. You can listen to the show on this site and discuss your take and views in the comments section.

I am thrilled to have Peter B. Collins as my co-host for this project. Knowing that I have been giving interviews, not the other way around, I needed a partner to collaborate with; someone who is a solid and experienced radio host, who is very good at interviewing, who is very knowledgeable, and who I respect and trust. Lucky me, I found one, and he has accepted this partnership. I am honored to have Peter as my co-host and partner. Peter’s show was one of the first radio interviews I gave years ago, and over the years he had me back many times. He has always ranked at the very top of my radio show list. If you are not familiar with Peter, check out his site and listen to his interviews at . When you do that you’ll understand why I’m so pleased to co-host this show with him.

For those of you who know me I don’t have to tell you what to expect. As for those of you who don’t, well, let me put it this way - don’t expect a canned, yawn-inspiringly cautious, or partisan show; we have way too many of those already! I am not known to be diplomatic and I am not about to change!

The program is now ready to go!

Next week I will present my first guest, James Bamford, an investigative reporter who has been covering the National Security Agency for the last three decades. His latest book, The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America, is the third in his trilogy on the NSA, and he coproduced NOVA's "The Spy Factory", which was based on this book. His 2005 Rolling Stone article “The Man Who Sold the War” won a National Magazine Award for reporting.

I am looking forward to reading your comments in response to this project.

Peter B. Collins is the best for the 9/11 Truth Movement...

In listening to progressive talk radio constantly over the last five years, along with Mike Malloy, Peter B. Collins is the BEST progressive radio talk show host anywhere.

Peter B. always brought the vision and courage that lives freely in the San Fransisco region to the airwaves...and it was wonderful. He needs a broader range for communications and I hope that the podcast thing will make that happen.

Malloy is very guarded regarding 9/11 issues ON AIR as he knows its a "radio deathnell" to raise the 9/11 issue to the regular radio listeners. However, I have seen Malloy in person in Seattle where at a radio celebration gathering for 1090AM, a full 20 minutes was needed to hear all the issues about 9/11 that the AUDIENCE kept on putting out there...and Malloy was certainly the catalyst and leader of the pack. He held NOTHING back and cranked on the Bush Crime Family and friends etc.

On the panel...

Maddow said nothing about 9/ usual...she works for GE...and nothing about usual...she works for GE...and nothing about voting reform as usual...she works for GE...

Rhodes said the usual...and didn't expand upon anything at all...and she now has moved to WDC, is promoting the New York Times and has shut down any 9/11 references etc....nuff said...she's gone...

Seder exposed his lack of research but exposed his instincts that something is really wrong about 9/11...

Hartmann played it quieter than he does on his own show because the Seattle natives were REALLY retless about the subject and Thom rarely gets too excited about anything...

...and Stephanie was quite mum and deferred to Jim Ward who is her "BRILLIANT voice person" and a solid she contributed a bit...

Believe it or not...moderator Ron Reagan...was-is WAY BEHIND in almost anything political or edgy etc. Maybe he is suffering from some flashbacks about his father's horrible influences on our country...and a bit gun shy due to this. He also "knows somebody" who produced something for the Discovery Channel or one of those channels [the pancake gang] and therefore, he now KNOWS the truth behind 9/11...because his friend told him so...yawn...

Peter B. knows also about the talk radio death ride regarding talking about 9/11...and because he kept at it, he lost too many stations to continue on terrestrial radio.

So, lets help out Collins and Edmonds...its a gold mine out there with them...

love, peace and progress...

Robin Hordon