Well known French comedian does weekly joke show about 911

This well known comedian is brave enough to do a joke series about 911 every week. this one has english subtitles.

Others in french will be posted here: http://www.dailymotion.com/JeanMarieBigard?hmz=6f776e6572696e666f73

Jean-Marie says he feels alone on this and needs encouragement !

Herblay FRANCE

bonjour ,

thank you for the post and am looking forward to seeing another episode next week.. Am going to send a link to this video to journalists I know.

Jean-Marie says he feels a bit alone on this and needs encouragement. We all know what he means.



Absolutely fantastic!

How popular is this guy? Does he have a lot of viewers?

Jean-Marie's Popularity see ...

Jean-Marie's Popularity ...

See also ==> French JM Bigard explains his last month of hell due to his doubts on the official 911 version. English sub-titles please !

I Love it.

I look forward to the next one!

on tv explaining the hell he went through

here it is with english subtitles http://911blogger.com/node/18251


Merci beaucoup, Jean Marie!

Muchas gracias, Diana Castillo!

We need comedians all over the world to point out the absurdity of most of the government fairy tale.

He does have a blog at his site, but it is either very new or he doesn't post there very often.


We should find a way to support him.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.