9/11 Truth Movement on 6th Anniversary of Iraq War

March 21st, 2009
marked the sixth anniversary of the invasion/illegal occupation/genocide of Iraq. Protests were held internationally, with about 4,000 outraged individuals marching in the streets of downtown San Francisco. Dissent and extreme disapproval was expressed for the US/Israeli occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine (with added emphasis on the Obama administration's bombings of Pakistan). The 9/11 Truth Movement made an extra effort to be highly visible, holding many banners and signs while passing out fliers, leaflets, and DVDs to the crowd. "There were lots of 9/11 Truth signs at the main rally" proclaims a poster at Indybay.org A table was set up by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance at the march destination of Civic Center plaza. We were accepted with open minds. The dedicated individuals that rallied today were members of the real anti-war movement, unswayed with the recent administration "change," and readily accepted that the corrupt US government would stage covert operations to gain support for imperialist wars while suppressing rights domestically.

Join us on April 11th for the Eleventh of Every Month campaign for Truth and Justice!

Los Angeles / Hollywood, ANSWER march 3/21/09

Photos by Chic.
more here: http://www.meetup.com/WeAreChangeLA/photos/



(reprinting my comment from Joe's blog below http://www.911blogger.com/node/19660 before these pictures became available)

... photos of WeAreChangeLA's big blue 9/11 Truth banners stretching for almost a full block at the ANSWER march in Los Angeles, Saturday 3/21. Believe me, they were not missed by anyone, including CNN, as they looked out their windows at the display passing by. I'm sure they were not missed by the helicopter hovering overhead either. A huge 9/11 Truth presence overall (it was a smaller anti-war march though, with Bush out, Savior in). Stacks of DVDs, Texas Truth Times, Rock Creek Free Press and DC911Truth Obama fliers distributed. A few cops and firefighters took the FirefightersFor911Truth fliers. Can't say that I saw more than a corner of one of the blue banners in TV coverage, but an ABC cameraman was interested and got materials to take back to his assignment editor. Will be waiting for that ... and waiting.

Note: the high-shot above is not from CNN's building, but from the balcony of Hollywood & Highland mall / Kodak Theatre. Talk about a Kodak moment.

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

"Peace" needs "TRUTH"


We need to be seen at all Peace and Anti-war rallies and protests.
We need to educate them.

North Texans for 911 Truth
North Texans for 911 Truth Meetup Site

This action...

...is THE DEFINITION of "V for Visibility!"

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

let's keep it Visible

Name Your Price for Freedom

Let a little rocking guitar motivate you to continue your quest for truth.


Wow! Wow! Wow! California!

What dynamic exposure of 9/11 Truth in cities across California!! The impact will reverberate!! Ya'll are fantastic!
(Over 32,000 DVDs distributed on our area)

Agreed Tom

This is indeed Heartening and Inspiring.

There are so many good people out there. From all walks of life.

That is what a great nation is really all about.

Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things.

Thank YOU 911 Truth Extraordinaires!

America's Hope and True Glory is in the Common Man Using Common Sense.

Californian Common Sense such as 911 = Controlled Demolitions is just what we need.

A Character of a Nation is Always Defined by the Lowest Common Denominator.

911 Truth has been neglected and marginalized for almost a decaded by the MSM.

Sooner or later the dam will burst.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Did you see this TomT?

"A huge 9/11 Truth presence overall (it was a smaller anti-war march though, with Bush out, Savior in). Stacks of DVDs, Texas Truth Times, Rock Creek Free Press and DC911Truth Obama fliers distributed."

yea! Sure did! Sweet! It is on our group message board.

(Over 32,000 DVDs distributed in North Texas)

Some more pics of SF...

...and please see Carol Brouillet's recent post: Report & Reflections on 9/11 Truth at the SF Anti War Rally 3/21/09
~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

Get Rosie back involved too.

Encourage Rosie to get her strength back into 9/11 Truth. This is awesome all this momentum.

Here's a place. Click on upper left "Ask A Question" to submit one.


~ Might as well try ~

9/11-Truth and peace movement

marching together here: http://www.war-is-illegal.org/

Please support!
