Jeanette Fitszimmons co-signs the politicians for 911 truth petition

It is with great pride that I can announce that Jeanette Fitszimmons the co-leader of the Green party in New Zealand has signed the politicians for 911 truth petition .

Although Jeanette wishes to emphasise that she signed the petition as a private citizen first and politician second it remains a fact that she is the first sitting front bench MP of any country willing to make a stand and sign a petition demanding a new investigation into the events of 911. The Green party is currently in the opposition but until November last year was part of the governing Labour government and the third biggest party of New Zealand.

Jeanette Fitszimmons has repeatedly but off record expressed her sympathy with those of us who are working towards a new investigation but until this moment declined to speak openly about her doubts with regards to the official accounts of the events of 911, however when I e-mailed her with the news of the new website and the request that perhaps she would sign the petition I was pleasantly surprised to find my request fulfilled within hours.

If there was ever proof needed that patience and respect towards those politicians who sometimes have to manoeuvre between their personal convictions and the need to maintain credibility in the political arena can work wonders I hope that this is it.

I have come to know Jeanette as a woman of intense integrity and perseverance, a great leader and an outspoken fighter for a sustainable relationship with our planet and a compassionate society in which all of us have a place.

I hope you give her a warm welcome in our midst.

Keep spreading the information, the results of the work done by people such as Prof. Jones, Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan, David Ray Griffin and all the other wonderful truth seekers out there. Keep educating and do it with dignity, respect and in the knowledge that you sow seeds even if you don't see them grow immediately.

Peace, Love and Justice


30,000 nyc petitioners

great work-post Travellerev,
everything is building for a new investigation.

and the best news is that we won't have to depend on political leadership.. Already, 30,000 nyc voters have signed a petitioned for a referendum vote on Election Day, November 3, 2009. But every political leader is very beneficial, representing we, the people; truth and justice makes more than sense. it makes peace


News fit to transmit in post Cassini flyby era
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<> for life's survival in the 21st Century <>

Best List Ever.

This is where its at as far as I'm concerned. One of the best lists ever. So thankful to those with the courage to sign it. We need to make it grow and find more with that courage and questions. Thanks rev for the update and addition on it.

Great work ev....

This like so many things has taken years of perseverance and dedication to the cause, congratulations!

Kindest regards John

9/11 24/7 UNTIL JUSTICE!!