London Truth Action: February Actions

A brief round up of the various street actions that London Truth Action got up to this month.

February 28th

All day street action outside the Convention on Modern Liberty to provide a solution to the Orwellian proceedings going on inside. While we were holding our Architects and Engineers banner we were approached by Guardian columnist Henry Porter and NO2ID National Coordinator Phil Booth. They were both engaged in conversation with us until 2 police officers pulled up in a car and attempted to carry out a 'Stop and Account' (Section 44 of the Terrorism Act 2000) on us for holding a banner. We politely refused to give our details and the officers went on their way but Mr Porter was so incensed at what had occured that when he introduced the last talk of the evening in the main hall he mentioned it - and everyone coming out was eager to talk with us and take a dvd.

Dvds given to Neil Tennant (Pet Shop Boys), Peter Tatchell (Human Rights campaigner), Henry Porter (Guardian columnist), Simon Jenkins (Guardian columnist), Phil Booth (NO2ID National Coordinator), David Davis (Member of Parliament), Brian Eno (Musician & campaigner) and many more

February 26th

19 members of the group joined us for a a street action outside the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for their annual awards dinner. We handed out nearly 150 copies of 'Blueprint for Truth'.

February 21st

Street action outside the Unite Against Fascism annual Conference. 200 more dvds handed out to anti-racism campaigners and much positive engagement.

February 11th

In support of the Eleventh of Every Month Until Justice Campaign we hit the streets of London at 9am visiting various architectural and engineering companies and giving out copies of Blueprint for Truth to their staff. Later in the day after an unsuccessful attempt to report Tony Blair for his war crimes at Charing X police station we set up outside the National Portrait Gallery in Trafalgar Square and gave out over 600 dvds to members of the public.

February 5th

Street action outside the Institution of Engineering & Technology annual dinner. We hit this event as "1300 senior figures from the global engineering and technology community" were in attendence. That evening we gave out around 250+ copies of Blueprint for Truth, each with a specially designed 8 page leaflet aimed at Engineers. Generally the engineers were receptive to the information having never encountered it before.

Please join us and other people around the world this coming March 11th and post your reports on

Dang! Way to go! --> 150 + 200 + 600 + 250+ DVDs!!!!!!

Texas salutes you guys!! Dog gone! Those are impressive stats with all those DVDs! It takes a film, a DVD, to actually educate a person about 9/11. You guys did it right. I am thrilled about pushing forward the momentum of
Thanks for taking a stand for Truth. To hell with the odds...damn the coyotes of injustice...those thieving liers have met their match. Honor & Truth are on our side. Stand Proud...Stand Tall for 9/11 Truth.
North Texans for 9/11 Truth

Double Dang!!!

That is how it is done. Thanks


See you on the streets March 11th.

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

Couple of questions/points

Thanks for posting this.

Out of interest what did Henry Porter and Phil Booth say about your campaign and if any anything about the 9/11 movement and 9/11? I remember NO2ID were pretty keen to distance themselves from that really and I understand why.

What about Henry Porter ? He's been pretty strongly anti-police state and as I understood it organized this event. Sometimes I've been a little critical of Porter in the sense I'm not sure he has always gone far enough. Certainly Henry Porter and the Guardian/Observer are not happy with the police state being put into place in the UK and that's certainly to be welcomed.


Hey. When Porter approached us he wanted to find out what the banner was about. Instantly his brow furrowed and clearly there was some cognitive dissonance going on but we worked him through it and explained what and our group were about. He reserved judgement, took a dvd and booklet and sounded genuine when he said he'd give it a go. Booth already knew who we were because Mykal from We Are Change London interviewed him for our 10th radio show and he enthusiastically took the information. The police then interrupted and Porter & Booth spent the rest of the time remarking how ridiculous the situation was but neither of them seemed to really understand the absurdity of 911 Truth activists being stopped by police under anti-terror laws outside an event like the Convention on Modern Liberty as much as we did.

I found this clip of Porter speaking that day. Hopefully he watches the dvd and puts the pieces together...