Have to love Mr. Kuncinich

......Does it get any more simple than this? Wake up America ! Forward this to everyone you know.


Thanks to Prison planet for the video.

Dennis Kucinich States His Intention To Put The Federal Reserve

Dennis Kucinich States His Intention To Put The Federal Reserve Under Government Control


Say it like it is in one minute. That, is statesmanship.

Just wondering.

If Obama said the same thing, would he suffer the same fate as JFK?
Just wondering.

Right on Dennis.

The Federal Reserve has been fu**ing this country since 1913. Our new Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, was the president of the New York Fed just before taking the Treasury job. Treasury, The Fed, the Big Banks, Insurance Companies, and Investment Firms are in a constant incestuous circle jerk. These are the people who are really driving the bus, and they are willingly and knowingly driving it off a cliff.

Check out this video if you haven't seen it.yet

The Gig Is Up: Money The Federal Reserve and You (1hr 23min)

Watch it at Google Video here:

Thank you stewball

.........that was awesome ! Most people won't spend the six hours to watch "The money masters"
This however packs a huge condensed punch !
I loved how this guy spelled out our current country's economic shape.
This needs to be seen by ALL Americans !.....................PASS IT ON! Email it to everyone you know !
This is the head of the snake !
.............................................................Reprehensor I know this is not directly related to 9/11 , but i really think this should be a fixed video on this site, and more so on the right highlighted main page.
Our politicians don't run this country, They are just puppets on a string of the elite bankers !

Let's approve another

bailout......No questions asked !....Why not make it 900 trillion?.......Don't ask where it;s going .
Wake the hell up !



EDIT: Sorry this is in response to Phaedrus' question.