Author Mike Palecek Launches "The New American Dream"

To start off the new year, author Mike Palecek offers a fresh venue for news and opinion about the current, and future state of the American Dream;

The New American Dream

Good luck, Mike!

Carol Brouillet interviews Mike:

Michael Wolsey interviews Mike:

This is going to be a great

This is going to be a great site!

Good luck & best wishes, Mike!


Happy New Year to your family and yourself Betsy.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

We are Americans

We are Americans

It's an amazing time to be alive.
We survived Kate Smith on the radio.
We survived Bush, though not all of us.
It's morning, time to wake up.

There are no longer any questions we cannot ask. Nothing about our country we are not allowed to know.
We are Americans.
This is our country.

This morning we take it back — from the CIA, the military, the bosses, the Warren Commission, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, the 9/11 Commission.

Our children will study lies no more.

Did George W. Bush, his father, his father's friends, actually steal the elections of 2000 and 2004?

And, if they did that ... why would they ever stop ... at anything?

Just asking.

Did George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, Condoleeza Rice, John Ashcroft, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, et al. conspire to commit murder and treason in the 9/11 attacks, in order to again be able to lie about anthrax, uranium and WMD, and torture — in order to attack Iraq, and make millions, billions of dollars?

We want to know, we need to know, we deserve to know who killed Bobby, Martin, JFK, Wellstone.

Did we land on the moon? Is Bigfoot real? How about UFOs?

C'mon, there are no wrong questions, remember? No secrets in anyone's land of the free.

How do we explain to our children how the war on drugs goes with "this Bud's for you?"

Prisons, poverty, trees, wind power — we can talk about all of it — because we are Americans again.

We are not the subjects of the FBI or CIA or the U.S. Army or Wall Street.

We do not torture, kill children, bomb, rape, mutilate. We are Americans.

We are Americans.

Why is Leonard Peltier in prison?

Why did we fund death squads in El Salvador? We overthrew elected governments in Chile, Iran, Guatamala? Really? Why?

We deserve to know. We need to know. We have to know.

So that we may tell the world.
We are Americans.

"My country is the world, and my religion is to do good."
— Thomas Paine

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it