The Spirit of CHANGE

By: Luke Rudkowski, had an amazing street action this past Saturday December 13th, 2008 at Ground Zero, New York City. We were joined by 9/11 victim family members, 9/11 1st responders and Former Governor of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura.

Manny Badillo, Bob Maclivine, FDNY John Schroder, Major Mike McCormick, Jesse Ventura and the team were out in full force to help spread awareness about 9/11 truth. Meeting with these heroes makes you understand how real and important our fight is.

I Luke Rudkowski, have been coming to Ground Zero for the past five years every Saturday and this past Saturday was the best one of all. The spirit of change and truth is here and is not going away until we get justice for all those affected by 9/11.

Join us every Saturday for our weekly Ground Zero vigil from 1pm to 5pm as we educate the public at large with free flyers and DVD’s. I want to thank all the patriots who throughout the years donated to our organization to make this possible, every cent donated goes directly to the front-line of the info war in NYC.

Our spirit is strong with public support of our weekly street actions and new confrontations that will be debuted in our upcoming film "Truth to Power: The Spirit of CHANGE." Nothing can stop us, as long as we keep our moral up and never give up; amazing things can happen, which everyone will be able to see in our film.

It was an amazing day that ended with the celebration of 9/11 hero 1st responders Major Mike McCormick's 50th Birthday.

We Are Fearless, We Are Patriots, We Are CHANGE!

Align CenterPhotographer: Scott Star


V for Visibility. Keep up the great work Luke. You are truly inspiring!

~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

We Are Change.

We Are Change is the best thing we've got going. Whoever put down twenty bucks or whatever and encouraged everyone else to buy one or two copies for that stupid book Shell Game and the author who we haven't heard from since, ought to at least consider putting that amount of money towards the citizen journalists at We Are Change who do what they do best and deliver us the video tapes with the questions we want answered.

They take the work to the streets and deliver the goods.
This is where I see the results.

Don't forget... and the 11th of EVERY Month Campaign. That is something that everyone should be able to do, only ONCE a month.
~In Lak'esh
(Mayan: You are another me)

Yeah. You are exactly right.

They deliver a lot of results as well. Cosmo and Friends.


The 11th of EVERY Month

Mea culpa

I admit I'm guilty of the above (supporting Shell Game) so I took your advice and made an Xmas gift to WAC:-)

WOW, What a Team!

WOW, What a Team!

looks like you had a good

looks like you had a good turnout as well. good to see mr ventura still being active. keep up the good work guys (and gals)


Keep It Up - Persistence Will Have Wide Eventual Impact

New York is the unofficial capitol of the world.

Month after month, the regular presence will help build a majority point of view that can one day be put into action.

Never underestimate the potential of a highly motivated under-the-radar grass roots effort.

Change for Peace...

Just throwing my 2 bits in here... the end, the change we want and need is a peaceful, just and respectful world...

...the 9/11 Truth Movment is THIS century's Peace Movement...

...I deeply appreciate that Luke and the gang are seeing the benefits of "presence and conversation" in lieu of "confrontation"...

...last century's peace actions were chiseled from and shaped from confrontational activisms...

...which is why they have failed over time...

...over the last 30 years, Racial Rights, Women's Rights, Environmental Rights, the Anti-Nuke Movements and GBLT Rights have ALL benefitted MORE from multiple, consistent, friendly, conversational and informational approaches spread out all across the country...

...MUCH MORE than they have benefitted from "the usual" small number of confrontational aproaches that occur every now and far away places...out of sight and out of mind of the public...

...which is why the OTHER Movements have made FAR more progress than have the OLD Peace Movements...

...respecting and informing the average citizen, along with holding a belief in people's "essential goodness" the best way to go for modern activisms to succeed...

...9/11 Truth for Peace is a marathon...

...and its NOT the occasional reactionary "march to nowhere in front of nobody"...

...the 9/11 Truth for Peace Movement is PROACTIVE...

...we go in small groups all over the world to where the people actually ARE...and we chat...

...the 9/11 Truth for Peace Movement is growing...

..the outdated Peace Movements are shrinking...and deservedly so...

...its nice to be able to see regular people in regular clothing representing We Are Change and 9/11 Truth for Peace at ground ZERO... lieu of the "in-yo-face...I'm an anarchist wearing MUST believe what I am yelling at you right at this instant in time"...visuals too commonly worn by far too many Truthers...

...I suggest that we commingle...

...our mesage of change...

...our message of 9/11 Truth seeking...

...with a message of PEACE...

...with a message of Justice...

...please change the colors...

...please add some words and signs of PEACE on ALL clothing, signs, DVDs and flyers......

...give Truthnik's "two towered peace fingers" T-shirts a chance...its a BRILLIANT bridge to Peaceniks...

...please prevent our opposition their ability to paint us as "anarchists"...we are not...

...we are patriots...

...we love our contry...

...we want a peaceful world...

...we want a just world...

...we are really good people...

...this IS the Truth...

...why present ourselves in any other way?...

...ironically...that would NOT be the TRUTH...

...lets work with the BEST of human assets within each of us...

...not the worst...

...does this not match the real CHANGE that we want to "BE"?

...what we want OUR NEW WORLD to be?...

Love, Peace and Progress...

...and thank you for all your efforts NYC!

Robin Hordon

Let's do more right here

Thanks, Luke and Jessie and everyone.
I also had a chance to be in the streets with Luke Rudkowski at the silent march on the fifth anniversary (9/11/2006) and am still amazed and a little haunted by what happened there. If I remember right, Luke is the guy who said “let the shirt do the talking”. It was deep and real that day.

I’ve been on the streets of Minneapolis and Saint Paul with a 4’ by 6’ sign that reads, “Real 911 truth will bring Real peace”. The thing is kind of hard to handle in wind though. I’ve been out in the streets with a 911 truth sign more than ten times. Hope that we can have more deep real protests right here in Minnesota . I want to invite participation by all.

As a Minnesotan, I’ve learned a lot from Jessie Ventura’s radical independent rants. I agree with 90% of what the governor says and really appreciate him. I’m a radical independent now and I suppose most of the people who are reading this are as well.

By the way, you know all those spies that have been haunting Minnesota that Jessie described in his excellent book “Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me” described? Well could it be that some of them need an enemy to justify their existence? Will they change from neo-cons opposing and spying on 911 truth and peace activists(to save us from commies) in to neo-liberals(who save us from red necks) who spy on 911 truth activists and constitutionalists? Betcha they do. The real terrorists really do hate our freedom- don’t ya know.

Persistent inquiry and forgiveness will lead us in change.