Richard Gage's European tour: London

Richard Gage spoke to about 150 last night in London on the first leg of his European tour. Although most of the individuals presents thought the towers were brought down by explosives, most of those who were sceptical or were unsure were convincinly pursuaded by the evidence.

A fire alarm sounded just as he was about to start his presentation so he was put back by half an hour and there were apparent phone calls and emails presssuring him to cancel. The evening went successfully without further incident.

Good evening all round. I hope the rest of the tour is just as successful.

Many thanks to Richard

and to the 526 architects & engineers of . Best wishes on the tour!

I live in France now but

I live in France now but unfortunately I'll be unable to go and see him when he comes to Paris on the 13th of November. :(

The Association ReOpen911 France is a voluntary citizen initiative, independent from all political, philosophical and religious movements.

bold tag fix

I believe you left an open bold tag, yes?



Thanks for the report

I hope that his events will get less "choir" and more people curious about the WTC and 9/11, or at least that he will get some decent media coverage that exposes more Europeans to the questions regarding the WTC.

Richard Gage is one of the hardest working members in the movement, a truly marvelous human being and always a delight to work with.

The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.