Obama's Speech To The Chicago Council On Foreign Relations from April 23, 2007

On April 23, 2007, Barack Obama delivered a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs (a.k.a CFR).

Obama talked about 5 ways America will begin to lead again when he's President.

A few talking points included:

- Killing all those shadowy networks of terrorists that attacked the US on 9/11.
- Beefing up our military - "That’s why I strongly support the expansion of our ground forces by adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines."
- A troop surge in Afghanistan.
- Looking to strike Iran - "we must never take the military option off the table"
- "Strengthening" NATO by urging other nations to deploy more troops around the world

A few excerpts from that speech read:


"The second way America will lead again is by building the first truly 21st century military and showing wisdom in how we deploy it."

"...We must maintain the strongest, best-equipped military in the world in order to defeat and deter conventional threats. But while sustaining our technological edge will always be central to our national security, the ability to put boots on the ground will be critical in eliminating the shadowy terrorist networks we now face."


"But the war in Afghanistan and the ill-advised invasion of Iraq have clearly demonstrated the consequences of underestimating the number of troops required to fight two wars and defend our homeland. That’s why I strongly support the expansion of our ground forces by adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines."


"The third way America must lead again is by marshalling a global effort to meet a threat that rises above all others in urgency – securing, destroying, and stopping the spread of weapons of mass destruction."


"As starting points, the world must prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and work to eliminate North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. If America does not lead, these two nations could trigger regional arms races that could accelerate nuclear proliferation on a global scale and create dangerous nuclear flashpoints. In pursuit of this goal, we must never take the military option off the table. But our first line of offense here must be sustained, direct and aggressive diplomacy."


"These are the ways we will answer the challenge that arrived on our shores that September morning more than five years ago. A 21st century military to stay on the offense, from Djibouti to Kandahar. Global efforts to keep the world’s deadliest weapons out of the world’s most dangerous hands. Stronger alliances to share information, pool resources, and break up terrorist networks that operate in more than eighty countries. And a stronger push to defeat the terrorists’ message of hate with an agenda for hope around the world."

BTW: Michelle Obama is a Director at the CCGA Her title is Vice President for Community and External Affairs, The University of Chicago Medical Center.


The phrase "Killing all those shadowy networks of terrorists that attacked the US on 9/11" I did not find in the original speech...

He didn't say that exactly

I was paraphrasing. Note that I didn't put quotes around that sentence.