9/11/2008 Interview with Congressional Candidate, 9/11 Truth Activist, Carol Brouillet

Interviewer and video producer- Jeff Bosakowski (Part One of two parts)

The interview took place in the Grand Lake Theater on the day of the 4th Annual 9/11 Film Festival, a few days after the 7th Annual 9/11 Truth March and Rally in San Francisco. This gives more background of the early 9/11 Truth Movement. After this event, Carol wrote Evolution of the Apocalypse- Empire's Demise- Human Renaissance, and the 30 second version- her TV ad, and updated her campaign website.

(Part Two)

Good luck Carol, we are all behind you!

The original and the still the best 9/11 Truth mum on the planet!

Hope you get some serious votes Carol!

Kindest regards John

9/11 24/7 UNTIL JUSTICE!!

Good Luck Carol

We truthers are behind you 100% Even if you don't win your contributions to the truth movement have been invaluable. Please keep up the great work.

people are questioning this

people are questioning this event all over the world....

nice touch at the end, Carol.

Chris Defendorf

pachamama=mother earth