Kitchener 9/11 truth street action 10/11/08.

Kitchener 9/11 truth street action in downtown Kitchener at City Hall on October 11, 2008. It was a solo mission in which I handed out 120 dvds in an hour and a half and spoke the truth to many citizens who wanted to know more about 9/11 and why we(Canadians) are at war abroad in Afghanistan.

Part 1

Part 2

**The webpage at the end of the video should read:

Keep up the great work!

Keep up the great work!

With you in the struggle,
WeAreChangeLA -

This is called Getting the Job Done.

9/11 Truth Ends The War - Youth Bullhorning on 10/11/08

Great work!!

The movement in Canada is growing exponentially. Soon your solo missions will become group missions. Keep it up and let us know if you ever need some help!

One man with the Truth

is THE Majority.

The CONSTITUTION is NOT going to "collapse" into pulverized dust no matter how much thermate/explosives or planes they throw at it

Another Hero...

Another wonderful 9/11 Truther hero steps up, steps out and shares with his fellow citizens and now us...

...and a prideful an deep thank you!

What us solos learn is that we indeed can learn do it...

And that people very much respect our doing what we do...
And sometimes even moreso than when we are amongst a larger group...
And we learn that there are soooo many great people who feel the same way about so many things...

Sometimes, when you are amongst the same group all the time, you don't really get to know the qualities of our neighbors.

BUT...after a day spread out all over the city in small groups...THEN LATER...the party with the converged Truthers that evening tastes extra good...

Maybe this is what we should do on weekends near the 11ths of every month...

...CI hard all around town...
...Party hard at a centralized place in celebration and appreciation of who we are and what we are doing...

I' ve never had a bad day doing indy CI...

Love, Peace and Progress

Robin Hordon