For german language speaking users: A review of the ZDF's version of "The Third Tower"

I've done a rebuttal to the german version of the BBC's "The Third Tower", called "Das Rätsel des dritten Turmes" broadcasted by german second television channel ZDF and their "ZDF history" format on 08/09/07.

I put all the infos we gathered together into it, and it's quite a devastating result for the ZDF- almost every claim they made was false, they used some of the same tricks like the BBC like the cut and fit for their needs of the Jennings testimony, but refused to use others, like the victims-mockery if you ask questions and refuse to believe the official narrative.

It's a 111 page .pdf with 3,7 MB, the making of the script (which the ZDF denied it has and so couldn't gave me) alone took me 4 days in a row.
My wife actually said I'm crazy. ;)

Anyway: here it is, only in german so far (maybe a translation follows)

Herausragend, ganz große

Herausragend, ganz große Klasse!

Thank you very much to have achieved this great work. This will be a very important document for the future, especially if the neutrality and accuaracy of the german national mass-media will be covered concerning 9/11.

Ich werde es definitiv an einige (deutschsprachige) Leser weiterreichen. Dank Dir!


and cudos to bavaria for your work on this issue, too.

Please note that I updated it a few moments ago, for the correction of some minor spelling errors.

23% of Germans know the Truth about 9/11.

Approximately 23% of Germans know the Truth about 9/11:

Compare this with 15% of Italians, 8% of French, and only 5% of Brits.

Great work!

9/11 truth will only succeed by spreading its message to every land.


Why, some 63 years after the end of WWII, is Germany still militarily occupied by the U.S.?

And how do most Germans feel about the U.S. military bases in Germany that make possible the ongoing criminal U.S. occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan?

I made some further corrections

and mailed it to the ZDF, Knopp, Röckerath, Renz.

Maybe sometime they'll LEARN that they can not deceive us any more.

Rudin, discussion on his blog

Great work.

Why not send it to Mike Rudin as well? He's preparing an updated English version of the Third Tower. Even if he doesn't understand it or get it translated, he might learn something...

The address is michael.rudin at

Connected with this, there is some quality discussion on Rudin blog, especially towards the end, about the role of the mainstream media etc.:

Your wife is right

Your wife is right. You are crazy. Crazy with a passion for Truth. Crazy with a passion to liberate the world from fear and lies.

Those who do not or cannot see that 911 was a false flag operation cannot understand the passion that drives those of us who do see.

I have a friend who thinks the 911 Truth movement is driven by people who want to sell DVDs.