Kill the Messenger: Screening hosted by ACLU, Tacoma, WA, Oct 1

Wednesday, October 1 at 7 pm
Main Library, Olympic Room, 1102 Tacoma Ave S, Tacoma, WA

Join the ACLU-WA Pierce County Chapter for Kill the Messenger (Une Femme à Abbattre). The documentary profiles Sibel Edmonds, an FBI translator who suffered retaliation for being a whistle-blower in the wake of 9/11.

Anti-War Radio - Joe Lauria

August 18, 2008

Joe Lauria, freelance reporter and co-author with former senator Mike Gravel of the new book A Political Odyssey, discusses his article "The Personification of the Military-Industrial Racket", McCain foreign policy adviser Randy Scheunemann’s long, diabolical history as a chief neocon and war-salesman, McCain’s side-jobs as a foreign asset first for Iran and now Georgia and how luring Russia to retaliate against Georgia may have been instigated to strengthen McCain’s campaign and ratchet up arms sales.

August 12, 2008

Investigative reporter Joe Lauria discusses the series he co-wrote for the London Times about the Sibel Edmonds case, including the 30 year Washington connection to the A.Q. Kahn nuclear black-market operation, the difficulty in corroborating stories about such a secretive subject, the inability of American mainstream media to diverge from the status quo, how the Tinner family fits into the story and the history of the military-industrial-congressional complex as told in the new book he's co-authored with former senator Mike Gravel, A Political Odyssey.

When is this coming to DVD?

Also, I thought Sibel was writing a book. Is that true?