Judiciary Committee To Investigate Plot To Paint Plane In UN Colors And Provoke Shoot down Over Iraq


Saturday, August 16, 2008
Judiciary Committee To Investigate Plot To Paint Plane In UN Colors And Provoke Shootdown Over Iraq

Conyers conducting examination into intelligence fixing and forgery

As part of a major examination into the evidence that the Bush administration forged intelligence documents to justify the invasion of Iraq, the House Judiciary Committee will also look into various considerations, plots and attempts to provoke war, including the idea of goading Saddam Hussein to shoot down a mock UN plane.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers has announced that he and his staff will investigate the evidence most recently collated and presented by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ron Suskind in his book The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism.

According to a press release earlier this week, Conyers' office will examine:

"Reported examples of the Bush Administration considering other deceptive schemes to justify or provoke war with Iraq, such as the reported consideration of painting a U.S. aircraft with UN colors in order to provoke Iraq into military confrontation."

The revelation first appeared in February 2006 when minutes of George Bush and Tony Blair's pre-war January 2003 meeting surfaced. Amongst the clear evidence that the two were planning to begin military action on March 10th 2003, irrespective of whether the United Nations had passed a new resolution authorizing the use of force or not, came the provocation idea.

President Bush said: "The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colors. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach."

He went on: "It was also possible that a defector could be brought out who would give a public presentation about Saddam's WMD, and there was also a small possibility that Saddam would be assassinated."

The investigation will primarily focus on the evidence that the White House ordered the CIA to forge a handwritten letter from the head of Iraq's intelligence service to Saddam Hussein that purported to link the Iraqi dictator to the ringleader of the hijackers Mohammed Atta, as outlined by Suskind in his book.

It will also review the evidence that the Bush Administration deliberately ignored information from Iraq’s chief intelligence officer that Saddam Hussein possessed no WMDs and instead forged intelligence to suggest he had an active weapons program.

In an interview with Democracy Now! John Conyers called the investigation "the most critical investigation of the entire Bush administration".

Watch Suskind's appearance along with Conyers on Democracy now:


I would like to see where this goes. Unlike Pelosi, who acts like she has cut a deal with the Bush administration and it doesn't bother her very much, I think Conyers really would like to do something, but has been too frightened up to now The recent allegations by Suskind, along with Dennis Kucinich's efforts, seems to have emboldened him.

Anyway, I'm not naive, but I am hopeful. :-)

This is huge

I would like to get a copy of Suskind's book. If they are willing to investigate the planning of un-executed false flag operations, then it should only be a matter of time before executed ones get investigated too.

btw, what happened to Conyer's wish to investigate the Downing Street Memo?

Vincent Bugliosi testifying before John Conners

July 25, 2008

Vincent Bugliosi presents a 5 minute rebuttal/summary and quotes George Bush pre-war suggesting in a meeting that a U2 spy plane be painted up in UN colors and flown over Iraq in the hope that it would be fired upon and create a reason to start the war he, the president, so badly wanted.


After Kucinich

....presented 35 articles of impeachment, and layed out the facts. The reaction, or should i say lack of should tell us all........Theirs too much dirt on both sides to step across that line.
Our two party system sold us Americans out a very long time ago.

Unfortunately, I think you are right

They might seem as if they're getting closer to acting, but I fear it's all a big show. They won't pull the trigger. Most of them are whores AND they're afraid of Bush -- both sides.


In the waning days of the first George Bush administration, there was a move in Congress to start looking into the matter of what exactly were U.S. relations with Iraq pre-Kuwait invasion. Then, the investigation was all put under wraps once the new administration of Bill Clinton was in place.

Yes, I think so too.

I think we're screwed! I remember reading a blog discussing the possibility of blackmailing congress men and high officials a few years ago. During the Abramoff episode IMSMC.

Great Blog, Joe!

It's all very interesting, but I tend to fall into the wildbill camp, "I think we're screwed!".

..don't believe them!