WeAreChangeLA questions Dennis Kucinich about 9/11

WeAreChangeLA asks Dennis Kucinich about breaking the silence in regards to using the truth about 9/11 as the 'portal into truth,' so that people will begin to look at many other pressing issues (lies).

Esai Morales follows in right behind with a great question about the Bilderbergers!



Where was this? When was this? What was the occasion? What was the audience?

Why post something like this with so little identification information?

Jeez, Dennis lay off the threats of regulating the economy

"A government can't control the economy without controlling people. And they know when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose." _ Ronald Reagan

More freedom is the answer Dennis--not more restrictions from legislators in Washington!

Esai Morales

Is the Jericho actor a Truther? He asked Kucinich a question about Bilderberg Group. Did you try to get him on tape about 9/11? Just curious, because of the celeb factor and the weight that carries with the sheeple, and in moving toward that Hollywood tipping point.. OK, I'll be honest. I didn't recognize his name until I wiki'd him, even though I've watched Jericho a little bit with an interest in the plot-line (fed to the writers by the CIA, FBI or ...?) Where did this event take place? Looks like someone's backyard. Good job WACLA!

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.


"9/10 Forum and Program for Truth and Reconciliation" is a good portal for 9/11 Truth. Keep those cards and letters (and faxes and emails) coming.

Representative Dennis Kucinich, Ohio-10th, Democrat

Lakewood Office:
14400 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Phone (216)228-8850
Fax (216)228-6465

Parma Office:
Parmatown Mall
7904 Day Drive
Parma, Ohio 44129
Phone (440)845-2707
Fax (440)845-2743

Washington Office:
2445 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone (202)225-5871
Fax (202)225-5745

email: Write Your Representative page

If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Great Questions

Also some very good answers. Seems strange coming from a politician. Very little double talk. Keep up the great work We Are Change.

I agree, it's strange not to get the absurd doubletalk....

...such as Pelosi's, "If I had proof Bush committed a crime...."

It's just strange to be addressed with care and respect, I guess?

It kind of blew me away when Kucinich stated noone believes anything coming out of Washington.

Very interesting and somewhat disorienting...guess, just not used to that treatment?

..don't believe them!

What a shame

he's not running for President. I guess honest men don't become president anymore.

Good man.

This is a rare good man. (Kucinich)
America be proud.

He is such a great man!

Thanks Bruno!

regards John

9/11 24/7 UNTIL JUSTICE!!

Where is Ron Paul?

Just over a year ago, myself and another 9/11 Truther headed out of Gray's Harbor, along the western shores of the State of Washington, because Dennis was givng another fabulous and honest political session, and I really wanted to be there. I brought along my big banner and my 1/4 page handouts, and was allowed to set up in the foyer...which I did...using my usual demeanor of "just being there"...in other words, no bullhorning or yelling at Dennis' SHEEPLE for the evening.

Where is Ron Paul???

After the fantastic session, people gathered with Dennis and his TALL wife [a Brit who absolutely knows that it was an inside job...] in the foyer, and as soon as he saw my banner, he walked over and asked us to make sure we stayed after everyone else departed...so we could talk.

Where is Ron Paul???

We gladly stayed, and my friend Wesley Baker talked at length with Elizabeth about 9/11...and was stunned by her acknowledgement of our Truths, and Dennis talked to me. At this event, I had my PATCO T-shirt on and obviously, Dennis was familiar with the PATCO strike and firing, and he connected some dots quickly.

Where is Ron Paul???

I had met Dennis when I was at the Peace March in WDC supporting "dc911truth" the January before...and he remembered me giving him some DVDs. Anyway, Dennis asked me if I coud help him get some deep information about the "put-ops" just before 9/11...asked me for secrecy for the moment...gave me his special phone number,...and I said that I would connect him up as best I could but that it would take me a few days.

Where is Ron Paul???

So, I reached out to several folks that I knew...got the contacts for Zarembka, Four Winds and some others...got them all connected...backed out of the communication links because I trusted them all...and waited...just believing...

Where is Ron Paul???

I could have shared this earlier with all, but I believe! Have not a real clue what they all talked about, I only know that Dennis included SOME 9/11 issues in his impeachment actions. However, I am wise enough to "see" that soon after, Spitzer may have "chosen" his simplistic demise from Manhattan and Albany ...remembered that Gulianni was the Federal Attorney for NY at one time...and that DK is a cool guy...

Never know in these games...IE:...when the right hand is noticed, its often because the left hand is up to something quite different!

Where is Ron Paul???

Anyway, what another GREAT job by LA....hey LA Truthers...thanks so much for representing 9/11 Truth so well...

Griffin's Ripples are having a steady and powerful affect...and these-our waves are unlikely to stop...

Lets be patient...lets be respectful...lets understand that dignitaries such as Dennis and Willie know their "terrain" better than we do...lets keep hitting the streets and handing out our VIRAL STUFF...and lets do it with CI smiles...

Anybody seen Ron Paul lately???

Robin Hordon