Poll: The 911 stink that wont go away (Vote & Comment at OpEdNews.com)


The 911 stink that wont go away

Considering the extensive body of verifiable evidence that sharply contradicts the official version of the 911 attacks, if you were one person in a group that is preparing to address a large audience of fence-sitters, what single aspect of the crime would you find most compelling and choose to explore?

Oddly collapsing buildings, mysterious pre-impact flashes, missing aircraft debris, puddles of once molten steel and/or videotape anomolies.
The extensive yet seemingly taboo eye witness accounts of multiple, immense explosions prior to the collaspe of each of the WTC towers.
The speedy disposal of or classifying of crime scene evidence at three locations.
The removal of anti-terrorism expert, (in four administrations), Richard Clark from the presiden't inner circle in the months prior to the attacks, even though, according to FBI Chief George tenet that the entire US intelligence system was "blinking red".
The ignored and expunged key testimony by US Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta before the 911 Commission that directly contradicted critical claims by Cheney.
The ignored testimony and subsequent gag order of Sibel Edmonds regarding FBI procedures that likely affected intelligence failures leading to the attacks.
The critical Pentagon officials that offer three contradictory accounts of their failures to respond to the attacks, the final one offered to the 911 Commission.
The timeline, whereabouts and disputed actions of Dick Cheney during the attacks.
The appointment of Cheney to head all US air defenses, an unprecedented delegation of presidential authority, three months prior to the attacks.
That Bush and Cheney would only agree to appear before the 911 Commission without taking an oath, only appearing together and with no transcript of notes allowed.
The multiple war drills in progress at the center of the failures to respond militarily, (only one of which was mentioned in a footnote by the Commission), and the Pentagon's defensive missle system that failed to operate.
The philosophy and advocacy within the PNAC document of 2000 and the influence of key contributors of that document within the Bush administration.
That the Bush administration vigorously fought the formation of an invstigation into the attacks for over fourteen months, that the 911 Commission was badly underfunded and was directed by a Bush insider.
The close, decades long ties between the Bush family and the Saudi Royal family, and the significant business ties between the Bush family and the bin Laden family.
The five so called "Dancing Israelis", arrested and later deported, that had been sent - in advance - to document the 911 attacks on videotape.
The documented afilliations between a number of the alleged hijackers and US intelligence and other government agencies.
The FBI admits that there is no evidence to this day that connect bin Laden or al Qaeda to the 911 attacks.
The documented $100,000 payment to the alleged lead hijacker Atta shortly before the attacks by Pakistan's chief of intelligence, ignored by the Commission.
I find the official government version of the 911 attacks plausible and no further investigation is required.
Other, (please comment).

64 votes View Results and Comments

I voted for this:

The extensive yet seemingly taboo eye witness accounts of multiple, immense explosions prior to the collaspe of each of the WTC towers.

12% say this:
I find the official government version of the 911 attacks plausible and no further investigation is required.

95 votes, 30 comments, 38% say WTC destruction best issue

9/11 Family Steering Committee Review of the 9/11 Commission Report:

Complete 9/11 Timeline


I voted for the timeline, whereabouts, and actions of Dick Cheney. I still fully believe, considering the way that physical evidence can be manipulated in a courtroom, that Michael Rupperts case is the strongest argument for inside job of criminally complicit individuals within our own government. Period.

I think there is a tendency to restrict the evidence

I think there is a tendency to restrict the evidence and just focus on certain topics, and even worse, adding in a lot of unprovable theories and disinformation into the mix.

I think the challenge for the truth movement is to present the most compelling case without limiting the credible evidence which shows directly who was responsible (read: Dick Cheney).

In such cases, certain types of evidence only give you PART of the picture. For example, the 9/11 commission ignored certain types of evidence, and it therefore doesn't give us the whole story. The same danger exists if the truth movement limits itself to "focusing" on a limited view of the evidence..

The MSM formula is to focus on theories (sometimes with straw-man arguments) and ignore facts which are so damning that any reasonable person would not support the official story.
Arabesque: 911 Truth