Naval War College Professor Supports JFK Conspiracy Theory in Harvard University Press Book

The Road to Dallas: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy
by David Kaiser

"Neither a random event nor the act of a lone madman—the assassination of President John F. Kennedy was an appalling and grisly conspiracy. This is the unvarnished story.

With deft investigative skill, David Kaiser shows that the events of November 22, 1963, cannot be understood without fully grasping the two larger stories of which they were a part: the U.S. government’s campaign against organized crime, which began in the late 1950s and accelerated dramatically under Robert Kennedy; and the furtive quest of two administrations—along with a cadre of private interest groups—to eliminate Fidel Castro.

The seeds of conspiracy go back to the Eisenhower administration, which recruited top mobsters in a series of plots to assassinate the Cuban leader. The CIA created a secretive environment in which illicit networks were allowed to expand in dangerous directions. The agency’s links with the Mafia continued in the Kennedy administration, although the President and his closest advisors—engaged in their own efforts to overthrow Castro—thought this skullduggery had ended. Meanwhile, Cuban exiles, right-wing businessmen, and hard-line anti-Communists established ties with virtually anyone deemed capable of taking out the Cuban premier. Inevitably those ties included the mob.

The conspiracy to kill JFK took shape in response to Robert Kennedy’s relentless attacks on organized crime—legal vendettas that often went well beyond the normal practices of law enforcement. Pushed to the wall, mob leaders merely had to look to the networks already in place for a solution. They found it in Lee Harvey Oswald—the ideal character to enact their desperate revenge against the Kennedys.

Comprehensive, detailed, and informed by original sources, The Road to Dallas adds surprising new material to every aspect of the case. It brings to light the complete, frequently shocking, story of the JFK assassination and its aftermath."

Yeah right ..

Of course it was the Mafia who killed JFK, they where so pissed off about not
being able to turn the Cuban missile-crisis into a nuclear attack on the USSR
that JFK just had to go, the mob hired known CIA-asset Oswald to do the dirty work,
ordered the SS-agents not to ride in the limo with the POTUS,
and then hired known CIA asset Ruby to cover their tracks ..then they appointed known shills
for the military industrial complex to man the Warren-Commission and had Time/Life, another known
CIA-asset, hide the Zapruder-film in their vault .

Normally I would object to the use of the term "Conspiracy Theory" but this one fits the label perfectly,
in fact it's one of them "Outrageous Conspiracy Theories" Dubya talked about ..
"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya


I don't agree with the theory, but it's sort of a triumph of sorts to have Harvard UP publish a book that doesn't accept the Warren Commission (and goes much farther in its claims, however wrong).

absolutely "sort of a triumph" ..

Since that guy has received decent education and knows that he's not alone in that, they have to come up with
something a lot better than "the magic bullet" and the lame " it was a nerve-reflex" as explanation for "back and to the left" .
So, for years they have been prepping the ground for this ridiculous "the Mafia done it" theory, fake "confessions" by the "perps"
and all, in a swarm of "documentary" movies.
"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya

It was....

a combination of things. He was in the process of eliminating the Fed, and the CIA. He wanted out of NAM.
And yes he was going after organized crime.
It makes me sick to think after all these years we still don't have justice. The 9/11 commission was the same bulls**t farce as the Warren commission.