Iran Claims it Foiled a Terrorist Attack Against a Russian Consulate by Group with U.S. Ties

In a release from the Russian News Service RIA Novosti dated May 14, Iran has announced that it has intercepted a terrorist attack against a Russian Consulate in the town of Rasht near the Caspian Sea. Iran claims the group has ties to the U.S. and was attempting to stage the attack in order to drive a wedge between Russian-Iranian relations, which have grown stronger over the past few years due to Russia's aid towards Iran regarding their nuclear development programs.


TEHRAN, May 14 (RIA Novosti) - Iran has arrested a terrorist group that planned to blow up the Russian consulate building in the town of Rasht near the Caspian Sea, the Iranian intelligence and security minister said on Wednesday.

"This terrorist network, with links to the U.S., planned an explosion at the Russian consulate in Rasht, aiming to create a rift between Iran and its neighbors," Qolam Hosein Mohseni-Ejei was quoted by Fars news agency as saying.

The minister, speaking at a session of Iranian prosecutors, did not provide any details of the operation.

Moscow and Tehran enjoy warm relations amid the pressure from the West on Iran over its controversial nuclear program. Russia is a key economic partner of Iran, and is building the country's first nuclear power plant in Bushehr.

In a separate release dated May 15, RIA Novosti reports that Russia is taking steps to protect its citizens in Iran in light of the recent revelations of an attempted terrorist attack against its consulate in Rasht.


Incredible news to say the least. I can see why the neo-cons would want to get Russia on their side. If they attack Iran they could cause WWIII due to Russia and China most likely responding with force to defend their own investments inside Iran. By making it look like Iranians attacked the consulate the U.S. could use this attack as a pretext to attack Iran's "terrorist infrastructure" while bringing the Russians over to their side. Very scary stuff.

Iran: US sponsored Bombers planned pipeline attack

Iran's Intelligence Ministry says pipelines in the country's oil-rich south were on the list of bombing targets by US-sponsored agents.


Makes you wonder

how many other bombings were US-sponsored agents and not al CIAda?

Dollars to Donuts.....

....that Golden Mosque bombing in Iraq was one.....

9/11 Truth ends the 9/11 Wars

Iran busts CIA terror network

May 18, 2008

Iran busts CIA terror network
Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN - The Intelligence Ministry on Saturday released details of the detection and dismantling of a terrorist network affiliated to the United States.