Bin Laden slams West over Israel, vows to fight on

Bin Laden slams West over Israel, vows to fight on
Fri, 16 May 2008 17:39 HKT

DUBAI (AFP) -- Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden slammed Western leaders for taking part in Israel's 60th birthday celebrations and vowed that Muslims would not give up "one inch of Palestine," in an audio message Friday.

"The participation of Western leaders with the Jews in this celebration confirms that the West supports this ugly Jewish occupation of our lands and that they stand in the Israelis' trench against us," Bin Laden said in the "message to Western peoples" posted on the Internet.

"We will continue the fight against the Israelis and their allies... and we will not give up one inch of Palestine, God willing, as long as there is one sincere Muslim on this earth," the message added.

Source: Asia Times

How convienient again, just for Israel's 6oth aniversary: DEAD OBL rallies Western sympathy for the terrorist state. And, yes,they have given up tryng to make fake videos. Audio only.

More CIA-propaganda !

As usual, the "new recording" with "Osama Bin Ladin" was "discovered"
by IntelCenter a " private contractor working for intelligence agencies" ie a privately owned CIA-front .
Here is the picture the CIA... sorry "IntelCenter", has distributed with this "new recording" .
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I have tried complaining to some of the local newspapers that they present these videos & audio-recordings as genuine
when the "source" "confirming their authenticity" is the same as the one who found them .. In vain naturally :(
"Listen carefully now : DO NOT DESTROY OIL-WELLS" Dubya